PP is projecting and it’s classic. He’d leak to the press, he’d morph into John Barron or John Miller, take the nasal New York out of his voice and say some trash about an opponent.
It’s so he can later claim it all was a “joke”…
or their lies consistent.
Better call for help, Don!
The infamous ‘kissy face’ tape telegraphs who invited who to dinner, btw.
High Crimes and Misdemeanors perpetrated by a psychopath. Unreal!
He’s enraged of the rank and file of FBI and the CIA. I think those folks want to get back to loving their cool jobs again.
that’s hilarious.
Now we see that Trump really really really is mentally unbalanced. When is somebody - Congress - going to do something to stop this! Trump just threatened the head of the FBI !!!
He’s nuts! And, has “lost it” !! He can’t go around threatening people. He just can’t!!!
'Cuz he’s wacky for the cloud?
No doubt because recordings aren’t done on real tapes these days. He did the same thing with ‘wire tapping’ I recall. Remember this guy is grandad age. Not an unreasonable thing to do, as if he didn’t the press would no doubt be crowing that he doesn’t know tapes aren’t literally used these days etc
yeah stories here are defiantly filed under fiction.
If you surreptitiously taped your conversations with someone and want them to know you have proof of what was said before they start telling their version of the story, wouldn’t you, like, just go tell them, and not put it on Twitter?
I think he’s tacitly admitting he recorded their conversations either over the phone or face to face. If that’s true, and one can never know with this asshole, then it’s probably true he’s also recorded other conversations that he certainly wouldn’t want revealed. He’s stupid enough to think that he could reveal “tapes” to use against another, but that it wouldn’t somehow blow back against him even worse than his intended target.
donnie had better call Saul, criminal lawyer for criminal president.
Nice try. You say one thing, Newsweek says another. Whom to believe?
Yet these agreements were in the works before Trump and Xi met. Following negotiations with President Barack Obama, China was already prepared to open up to more investment from American financial firms, a Chinese official involved in the Florida summit told the FT. “Had Obama been in office for another six months we would have gotten there,” they said.
China had already begun rolling back its December 2003 ban on some U.S. beef products last September. However, The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association pointed out to Trump in a March 27 letter that American beef is still blocked since the terms of their access to the Chinese market haven’t been ironed out yet.
The most concrete thing to have emerged from the meeting so far is Trump’s agreement to make a state visit to China in 2017.
Love ya, LM.
And Happy Mother’s Day to you.
What I like is the idea that they may have added some new protect-the-Constitution-related duties to their cool jobs.
Actually, it is trump who better hope there are no “tapes” of his meeting with Comey. If Comey has them they will be inadmissible due to Presidential Privilege, if trump has them and brings them up as a fact they will be subject to subpoena, just ask Tricky Dick how that plays out.