Discussion: Trump: Puerto Rico Leaders Want 'Everything To Be Done For Them'

Spirits? Thank you, yes.


And he LOST the popular vote.


They are brown in Puerto Rico, and they do not vote for president because it is a territory, not a state, two factors that influence his trash talk. If they voted, the selfish, cruel sociopath would not be able to trash them. However, if any Puerto Ricans move to the mainland because it becomes too desperate there, they sure as hell aren’t going to vote for Rs. He really has hit a new low, and no one in his party will or can rein him in.


First question is, are there any?

Second question is, how do they get their stories out with no power? I think I heard about 30% has been restored?

The governor and the mayor know what their situations are and I know that information is getting out, but I don’t know who else is on the ground.

To our sorrow we will never be able to forget this.


A woman, and a lowly Puerto Rican at that, how dare she criticize his majesty!? Good thing she isn’t brown, or she’d be subject to worse.


I am heading to AZ myself. We can start by getting rid of Flake and McCain (and Ducey).


It will be interesting to see what the coverage of the Trump circus looks like (if it happens, that is.)


I couldn’t find that quote. The one that’s all over the tubes is from a couple days ago where Honore tells him to “get off the damned golf course.”


I’m sure the press corps that accompanies him will be made up of folks who never say anything bad about him.

Yup. Fox News reporters. Probably only Sean Hannity,

Yes, even if it’s the Last Straw it’ll be tough to forget.


It’s not just the inexperience with government that’s the problem. I believe an intelligent, thoughtful, creative, ethical person with actual business experience would bring in a team of experts in each area of government, would study up on what s/he didn’t know, would work tirelessly to become the person people thought they were electing.

The issue with Tramp isn’t his lack of prior experience, it’s the failings of the man himself. He is a trainwreck, a sociopath and malignant narcissist and he’s going to destroy the country and beyond if he isn’t stopped.

But I know you already know this… just had to vent once again.


Jeez. I guess we can’t count CNN among the Puff Press. Although they may feel a need to “Fair and Balance” things later.
Nonetheless this’ll leave a mark.


This is not well know, but locals are sending video messages. They are reassuring family that they are okay.

@spencersmom Whatever it may be called in the Diagnostic Manual, his pathology is such is that he can only feel better about himself and boost his ego only after he’s denigrated others (“Streep underrated actress”, ), Mel’s task as FLOTUS was announced as something to do with bullying. She’s asleep, John Kelly’s asleep, Jarvanka’s asleep, and so the bullmoose will continue to bellow.


To be fair to Trumpp: he did repeatedly mention Puerto Rico’s debt. The man isn’t so heartless that he would ignore the plight of the banks.


He is a miserable FK! There is nothing else. He attacks people that have nothing. He tries and make them the ‘other’. He did that with Obama going to Hawaii like it was some exotic port of call. Now to PR. He will try and tear them down so he can steal from them. He is egregious. Try doing that to Texas or Florida and his ‘base’ would attack but PR? Watch the lemmings.


Because it becomes more germane each day, please reread my post from yesterday about Tramp literally turning away from a dying, bleeding man because 1) he was disgusted and 2) he was appalled at all of the blood on his beautiful marble floors.

There is a link embedded to the original report from the Howard Stern interview tapes when Tramp recounts the story.


I’m sure you saw Josh’s article yesterday about(my words here) the crooked-city(or state) tactic of deliberately letting a property deteriorate, or helping it deteriorate, so that you and your buddies can swoop in and make a killing on fixing it. Trump thinks he’s going to be able to milk Public-private "infrastructure " graft. I understand as TX gov Perry built a graft “highway”. I think a swarm of reporters will be all over this scam and it won’t work, but that’s whats up.


He didn’t do that til, I believe in the wee hours of Monday morning - long after landfall of the Hurricane. He started the NFL tweets The morning after his Alabama Rally.