Discussion: Trump: Puerto Rico Leaders Want 'Everything To Be Done For Them'

Let’s just take a moment, one little moment, to relish the reaction when the Mueller report comes in.


If it ever comes. I’m sure it will, but then again…

It makes me think of when Enron ruled the day and started ‘selling’ privatization to small island countries over I believe utilities including water. Once in control started jacking the hell out of prices. But that is SO 2002.


Univision is on the ground reporting in Puerto Rico. This one is in Spanish, datelined Thursday on the south coast:

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Larceny never gets old to the Trumps of the world.


Oh, it will. These things take time; this is about 50 times more complicated than the Watergate investigation, and that took years. It’s good timing - closer to 2018 elections.


Heard part of a radio interview yesterday with a guy who was part of an informal HAM radio network - he’d made over a hundred calls to family in the US whose relatives had no way to reach them until a HAM operator in PR got his set running and was able to get messages out in what he described as a game of telephone.


I understand, it may’ve been from an article on TPM, that the number of shell corporations is what’s slowing things down. So yeah. But at the same time, I don’t think we have the luxury of waiting anymore. Now, it’s a case of not just people are dying, but a LOT of people are dying. The cholera outbreak will be awful.


Trite but true: where this is a will there is a way. It’s heartening to know spirit is still surviving.


It was so good I had to repost what you said.


This is a crisis of Trump’s own making. Sure the hurricanes were intense, but what really made this into a human crisis was Trump withholding aid for 9 days, then hesitating even to suspend the Jones Act. Meanwhile, no sanitation, no food, no clean water. Trump did this.


And while we’re talking about what individuals can do to help, I would encourage people to look at donating to Shelter Box .


Once people realized Perry’s Trans Texas Corridor’s need for lots and lots of private land–their land–Texans had a fit and all trace of the plan was removed.

Today, using “Trans” in the name would freak people out sooner than the prospect of a government land grab.


President Football should be locked up for the rest of his life for crimes against humanity.


Mel hosted a meeting at the WH about opioids a couple of days ago. Great! Because her husband has a drug problem with substances yet to be determined. She should get back to the bullying problem which is right under her custom-made nose.


My god, that is horrible. It was a horrible thing to do and a horrible story to tell - and he told in on a popular radio show. You left out 3) he bragged about forgetting to call the man the next day to see if he was ok. “Not my thing.”


clue to DOTUS TRUMPf…having recently experienced IRMA…It is really difficult to get anywhere when the roads are blocked, the power is down…your food rots, and the streets are flooded…so get off your gold plated toilet and do what you were elected to do…or are you just so ‘out of it’ you exist only in twitter-land…another thing…even MEXICO sent aid to TEXAS and LOUISIANA…So when did those storm -victims get off their butts and help themselves…


Mueller report goes to the DOJ, not to the people. We’ll likely never see it.

Nero may have fiddled while Rome burned but Tramp is golfing while Puerto Rico drowns.


I’ve been looking for the details on that for a while. Thanks for providing them. I’m sure Trump et al will try to cover their tracks–no alarm bells like using Trans… Hope the reporters smell blood in the water when it comes to Trump’s grafting and won’t be fooled. With Mueller’s secrecy keeping a lot of Russian stuff bottled up this looks like fertile ground for investigation, which I presume is why Josh brought it up.