Discussion: Trump: Puerto Rico Leaders Want 'Everything To Be Done For Them'

Moldy is right - this is no Jesus for them from any Bible I’ve ever read.

I’d love to hear what pastors like Osteen and Graham think of all of this. Do they support 45 in the face of devastation?


AND, they can buy a NEW car from the $1,000 tax rebate they get to get them to that fourth job!


And I think he is deteriorating before us.


I wish it were so, but the Christians who voted for Trump aren’t going to give more than a cursory shake of the head, and “bless their little hearts”. Maybe some will give money. But they won’t abandon Trump. They know it’s not his fault. Damn PRs don’t know how to run a country. They don’t deserve a thoughtful, compassionate response from Trump. It doesn’t seem to matter what Jesus might have done. For them, Trump is Jesus’ enforcer.


Watch over the upcoming weeks/months, as he expands the blame circle to include FEMA, DHS and the Military. Its all going to be everyone else’s fault. Which is always the case of course, but in this event, the disaster and bad news is going to be mounting on a much larger scale than we have seen for Trump.

I do hope the folks at the Pentagon pay particular attention. Because it is exactly how he will respond to the first military setback in any way he launches.


But it won’t matter. His entire presidency has been a “Katrina”. Has it mattered?


What are the reporters on the ground reporting, not the talking heads in Washington or New York, but the actual reporters on the ground?

You’re a piece of shit, Don.

Scum of the earth.


Puerto Rico should ask Russia for help and in exchange become a Russian territory since Trump doesn’t want em.


On the ground reporting? Who’d want to go there? It’s not like they could drive an hour or so away from the disaster area to get to a nice, clean undevastated Starbucks.

ETA: Electricity, communications, and transportation are all a bit dicey too, and TV needs those to broadcast.


Any fool could have realized that after two major hurricanes on the mainland FEMA would not have the capability or resources to deal with a third disaster on islands no less. The military should have been ordered to be at the ready to assist with at least as much resources as were required for Katrina from day one. Both the General who was only just put in charge of Puerto Rico relief and the one that cleaned up GWB’s mess in NOLA agree that the relief response thus far has not been enough. And we are at day ten. By day 4 of Katrina billions of dollars in disaster aid was appropriated by congress and signed by GWB. Here on day ten we have a president lounging about one of his golf properties criticizing the victims and a congress getting ready to leave on yet another vacation before doing anything to help PR. We need to stop calling this Trumps Katrina. It is far worse and an absolute disgrace. This Repub government is beyond embarrassing. It has become complicit with a disaster and possibly genocide.


I’m quite ready for the boredom that may ensue with a president who is not a narcissistic, racist sociopath hell-bent on daily chaos to cover-up his ineptitude and crimes. Until then, resist, fight, don’t give up, make sure change happens in how we select leaders, become leaders ourselves in every way we can.


Soon after Trump won, even as he lost the vote by 3 million and it became apparent that our democracy had been brought to its knees by gerrymandering and voter suppression and false propaganda, I suggested that Democrats had to think in an Elon Musk-like way about disrupting the way we do politics–or face permanent defeat or handicapping at the polls and in the Supreme Court. And I suggested that we should start thinking about a fast, radical fix: to persuade and finance the relocation of about 200,000 reliable democratic voters from deep blue states to 3/4 swing states, either temporarily or permanently. That would be the end of the Republican presidency for the foreseeable future. It would also have a big effect on the Senate.

Now it seems as if this might happen by itself, at least in Florida. Puerto Rico has a population of over 3 million. It appears that tens of thousands will now be forced to relocate to Florida, either permanently or for a few years. Certainly there will be a large number remaining in 2018 and 2020. Every effort must be made to help resettle and register these refugees to vote, and to vote D right across the ticket.


Tension Donald Trump our money is not your money it’s not piles of gold for you and your cronies spend. There are people in the taxpayers need help stop sitting on the piles of gold thinking it’s yours it’s not.


What. A. Fucking Asshole.


I think it’s telling that he deleted those 3 tweets going after the Mayor of San Juan. His family has told him that he fucked up. It’s too late for him though. The MSM finally locked in yesterday and this has now blown up into his Katrina, but worse. The WAPO article which details the level of neglect is completely damning. He can and should be impeached based on that alone.

The MSM will forget this in about a week, but the voters across the country will not. Even the red state voters are going to ask themselves, will Trump stand up for me if he wakes up on the wrong side of the bed?

I once had a boss who also had a hair trigger temper when ‘provoked’ on race issues. He was particularly peeved that he had to report to a PR native who worked for one of the clients. He was always muttering something racist after a call with him.

Trump is the same. This will not end well for Trump.


Absolutely right.

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China. They have all the money and they specialize in plundering – er, “developing” third world nations.


There used to be war correspondents who would travel to danger zones, but I have to admit that most television reporters aren’t interested in reporting real human stories first hand.


But Benghazi! Yes, four Americans lost their lives and it was tragic - I’m not making light of it.

Now we have countless Americans dead - because there is literally no way right now to count or even find all of the bodies - and more dying every day.

But her emails! And child sex rings in pizza parlors!