Discussion: Trump: Judge With 'Mexican Heritage' Has 'Conflict Of Interest'

“I’m building a wall. It’s an inherent conflict of interest,” Trump told the Wall Street Journal, noting his policy proposals on immigration and Curiel’s background.

The judge has a conflict of interest because of your bigotry?
Donny, Donny, Donny…you aren’t building a goddam thing yet on the border. Unless you wanna take credit for what’s already there.


…declaring that U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel has “an absolute conflict” in the case because of his “Mexican heritage.”

Stupid argument that plays well only to Trump’s narrowing base of ignorant supporters who project their own racism on others. There is no conflict of interest just because Trump personally attacks the judge unless the judge thinks (subjectively) he cannot be fair and impartial. And few judges have the thin skin that Donald has to let this impact their court demeanor and decision making, fewer still would admit to it. No judge would recuse himself because a party wants to recuse him, and Trump is a fool if he thinks all he has to do is say the kind of offensive things about the judge that would offend Trump if said about him.


Hmmm, that’s a refrain applicable to about 1000 of his positions, statements and events in his past. Yet an aggregation of all current polls, week after week, show him within 2-3 points of Clinton. Exactly how damaging is any of this, really, to Trump?

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Is it not true that Ryan announced his intent to vote fot Trump after this latest round of name calling started?

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“Trump has been hurling attacks at Curiel since February, calling him “biased” and a “hater,” as well as constantly calling the judge a “Mexican.” Curiel was born in Indiana, but is of Mexican descent.”

Hitler and the Nazis believed that if you were a Jew who converted to Christianity, you were still a Jew. And they did not mean that as a compliment. It’s very important to throw in the faces of Mitch McConnell, et al, that they are endorsing an unrepentant bigot.


BREAKING Moron Sporting Daddy’s Money Leaves Empty-Handed from the Clue Store


My considered opinion (not worth much) is this:
It’s a fool who bad mouths the judge presiding over the case the fool is a party to. That sort of behavior could result in the judge slapping the fool with a contempt of court ruling and, say, a perp walk and weekend in jail. (oh pleeeeeze).


Yup, that was the question I raised with my thread:


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Because, uh… the judge, the Hispanic judge… uh, who’s not Mexican… uh, the judge wants…


How about, Trump is building a wall as a favor to Greg Abbott, so Abbott won’t sue Trump for Trump’s fraud scam designed to rip off Texas students?

That makes much more sense.

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It could “work” in the sense that he could end up getting a good judge so immortally pissed off that he decides his impartiality has been too compromised to continue and recuses. jsfox is right, however, that whenever a judge recuses under those circumstances, the replacement judge is going to rule against you on everything, every time.


What in the holy FK is this man talking about? You are biased BECAUSE you have a heritage? ANY heritage except WHITE MAN? He really is a dangerous buffoon…And yes, that’s rhetorical.


My bet is that they have no more control over him than anybody else does. They probably warn him (in writing!) about the possible consequences of his behavior to cover their backsides when it turns around to bite him, but I really can’t envision them accomplishing any more than that…

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But his millions of followers also lack the sense of ethics and morals that historically has been America’s

I agree with your first sentence. Trump is a fool for saying what he did about the judge, but I doubt the judge would find him in contempt unless Trump violated some order of the court. No judge wants to take this bait when we have freedom of speech, and invite further attacks that may have actual merit.

Let the fool be the fool all by himself.

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Oh she’s a piece of work. Seems to think she’s good looking and can get away with anything . She has a T-Rump size ego . Wasted 500k of taxpayer money fighting gay marriage and then theres this:

Execution Bumped for Bondi Fundraiser
Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi’s campaign kickoff in South Tampa trumps the scheduled execution of a convicted murderer


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When a common criminal insults his presiding judge he does not get a new one. That’s why most common criminals are not so foolish as to insult the person who determines their fate. This uncommon criminal is no different. He must not get a new judge. To do so would just encourage this kind of behavior in the future.


Why hasn’t it occured to Donnie that a judge who faced death threats and assassination attempts from a cross-border drug cartel might actually feel safer with a wall keeping the bad south-of-the-border guys out??

(snark-o-matic turned off again…)


I’m pretty sure Trump’s lawyers, if they have any honesty, are yelling at him to shut up about the judge. But Trump cannot help it. I fully expect him to behave stupidly and get himself into deeper trouble.
I really want to see Trump get some comeuppance.


Justice versus Trump is not a conflict of interest, Donnie. Sorry. edit. I’m glad Greg Abbott’s little ploy to let you skate has come back to haunt you both.


And now we get to spend the day watching the rhetorical contortions of the MSM asshats as they try to ignore the big, evil racist elephant in the room (and apologies to elephants, because I love them).

Trump just effectively admitted that his rhetoric about “building a wall” is not about illegal immigration, but, rather is in his mind, and is intended to be understood as, an explicitly racist attack targeted at people based on ethnicity rather than citizenship. As is, of course, the attack on the judge. Because if its just about illegal immigration, why would Trump’s rhetoric be presumed to prejudice a judge who is a natural born American citizen?

And all day, we’ll see the MSM asshats staring at the three dots, talking about each dot individually and oh so mightily struggling to avoid noticing the triangle because it’s just too hard for our degenerate MSM to draw the lines and connect the three dots Too intellectually challenging, too emotionally difficult for them to face because of the hate-tsunami they’ll get back if they do it, and too economically difficult because the suits are going to shit if they go there.

Nope, in post-Reagan gutting of the regulations implementing the “public interest” requirement of the FCC Act, dot-connecting is the job of people who’s job it is to opine, not the job of those whose ostensible job is to inform.