Discussion: Trump: Judge With 'Mexican Heritage' Has 'Conflict Of Interest'

So a federal prosecutor whose parents were from Italy would not be able to prosecute John Gotti by this logic or lack of same.

Hillary needs to make this point and go after Trump hard on this. Today. He’s overtly trying to intimidate a federal judge. It’s hard to get more anti-American than trying to undermine the independence of the judiciary.


There is no conflict of interest, unless tRump can show some actual evidence of the judge having something concrete to gain from finding in favor of the plaintiffs. And any “conflict” because of the judge’s ancestry was created by tRump’s own bigotry. He cannot profit from a conflict that he, himself, created.


Donald Trump is obviously terrified about this case. His adolescent reaction to it – the judge is Mexican and just naturally hates me because of my wall! – shows how panic-stricken he is.


"You’ve done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?"


Someone needs to be putting in a call to his psychiatrist to pay him a visit…in fact, they may want to hire one to be among his crew members on his campaign.


Donny, please hold it together until AFTER the convention!
Please, Donny!!


shows how terrified he is.

And how stupid. The notion that he’s some sort of smart guy is preposterous—he’s a fucking nitwit too dim to grasp the fact that you don’t want to install marble fittings on a jet.


you know that Trump will be pounded by Hillary mercilessly right during the Convention. He’ll go into his acceptance speech already frothing at the mouth.


Actually, no.
tramp has no decency.

Maybe Trump is just conducting an experiment, to see just how outrageous someone needs to get before the Republicans would disown them.

I’m betting he could show up with a white pillow-case over his head waving a swastika at his rallies and still not have them do anything.


I seriously wonder at this point if he’s capable of abstract thought. Every statement he makes has a crude, earthbound quality, like a person with an impairment.


He should be terrified, people have gone to prison for a lot less. This is a civil suit, but the evidence seems to point to criminal activity. As soon as the election is over, Trump might find himself defending a far more personally serious case.


Part of why I rarely visit Yahoo. If you put up too much tripe, sane people stop visiting and the only thing that gets clicked on is even worse sludge and you keep bleeding eyeballs in a viscious spiral.


It’s as if Midas touched Trump’s brain, turning into gold, too heavy to think.

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It amazes and frightens me that this person has managed to get so close to the presidency.


The weirdest stuff pops into my head, installment #427.

I was listening to Steely Dan and realized how Becker and Fagen’s album titles mirror the candidacy of Donald Trump.

The Donald employs Pretzel Logic on a daily basis in trying to rationalize his positions. When it comes to anything having to do with immigrants, Everything Must Go, including every Gaucho currently residing in the U.S. While he may view the current Presidential campaign as a Countdown to Ecstasy, his shrinking, self-funded war chest illustrates that even he Can’t Buy a Thrill. He intends to allow all of Aja to have nuclear weapons. It is almost a certainty that his soon-to-announced running mate will also be a climate change denier, making them Two Against Nature. Every time his spokesperson, Ms. Pierson, opens her mouth, you can be certain that Katy Lied. And, of course, his entire platform is a Royal Scam.


Absolutely. DJT quits “for the good of the party” because “the media is so biased against him.” This dynamic does not even have to happen before the convention. Keep a close watch on the VP selection, that is to say, the presumed successor when Trump resigns the presidency for cause (incapacity due to sudden illness, substance abuse rehab, criminal conviction, impeachment hearings, “good of the country”), or, in an alternative universe event of quantum self-awareness, retirement to a Trappist monastery. The big question: Who?


His insane complaints are shared by millions of Americans. This needs to be understood if he is to be defeated. If the Dems are not careful in how they chose to defeat him they will only add more votes to his side of the ledger.


Trump was always a toxic buffoon. But in his lifetime, the GOP became enough of a radical nihilist cult that it drifted to where Trump was all along. It’s hard to imagine, short of him having a massive breakdown, what revelation or new outrage could make them walk away and take the consequences. They’ve fallen in line despite everything he’s done so far, because they created the conditions for him to be a viable candidate. Is it possible they bail on him? Of course. Probable, it doesn’t look that way.


In other words: “No Mexican can judge Donald Trump.” Wow.