Discussion: Trump Introduces VP Pick Pence: 'We Are The Law And Order Candidates'

The staff of The Onion must be getting worried. Reality is getting harder to top.


Eat this, Mr. Dump:


I wish this ad was getting widespread play across the nation.


Lassie meets Pepé Le Pew

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Minor question. Did Trump say “Nice, Paris” or was it just written wrong in the article?

It’s word salad welp. Picky, picky, picky.

To me, they’ll always be the “Mr. Ed” candidates. The problem is, how do you make a pantomime horse when you have two horse’s asses.


Interesting how someone involved in 3500 lawsuits, a fraud case and who will not release tax returns keeps talking about other people who are corrupt.


Yes, they are law candidates. They do abortion and discrimination laws (all flavors)
Order is just the fluff and filler of that sentence. If you asked them what they meant by order, they’d probably say that, ‘You’re Out of Order’ or, in order to have order-you must be orderly.
Circular reasoning would be needed in ‘order’ to understand the circular logic.

Pence is in the circus now, he’ll get to try to explain Trumpism’s and defend them daily whilst going into super spin mode explaining how he and Trump actually agree by disagreeing
on most everything.

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What saved Indiana’s economy was the Obama auto bailout, which Pence voted against when in Congress. Indiana is number 2 in the auto industry in the US. If Pence had his way Indiana and the whole US would have been much worse off. It is hard to see how Pence gets any credit for the Indiana economy.


While I certainly agree with you (could I NOT), it was a very blatant, weak speech that was a pastiche of:

generic Rethug nationalism (i.e. apologizing to foreign countries)
outright lies (i.e. repealing the ACA)
with NO policy solutions at all (i.e. we;ll make American great")

If you were already on board with “T&P” (the 30% or so) you were probably heartened.

For anyone else, it just fell flat.



That’s an interesting point, vlharpley. I remember when it happened, I wasn’t (the lifelong Democrat!) particularly worried. The country was at peace and prosperous and Bush was being served up as a “Compassionate Conservative” and I figured “what can really go wrong?” I was a bit irritated that Gore had run a lousy campaign and hadn’t even carried his own state!

Of course, all hell broke out less than a year later and got worse and worse from then. And I was furious in 2004 when Bush was reelected. Shattered for weeks

But, 2000? When it happened? Nah


he has barely mentioned spence.

would you?


The psychological term “Projection” will probably get a lot of air-time until November

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Yeah. Just going to say that. Because literally true.


We’ll always have Samantha.

Play it again, Sam.


“He’s a solid, solid person,” Trump said.

Whereas the other people on his short list were all disqualified when further vetting disclosed that they were liquids, gasses, plasmas, or degenerate matter of one kind or another.


honestly I think Christie was the only pick to fear, in terms of intelligence and campaigning skills. Pence will have a hard time keeping aligned with Trump in his public statements, for the obvious reason.


My sentiments entirely. I can’t look at him or listen to him – it is a very sad commentary that so many people in this country think he could be President. I have faith that common sense will prevail. You have to have faith and I am not talking about the religious kind.