Discussion: Trump Goes Off On Comey: 'He's A Bad Cop, A Dirty Cop'

HEY!!! I resemble that remark!!! (avatar)

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copos don’t care they get all their benefits. all


@musgrove The official letter was followed by Trump’s own words to Lester Holt that he fired Comey about “the Russia thing”.


Probably where the alcoholic genes came from. Not being judgey. I have them too.


Just don’t hit the deer.


I never worked for Russia just like I never planned to build a Trump Hotel in Moscow and my campaign never met with any Russians, ever.


I live both places for now. Be glad you aren’t here in Seattle, even public transport won’t get you where you want to go with the viaduct closed now and gridlock taking over. I am heading that way as soon as I can.

the one he shares with his cult members… Figure out what they have in common and we’ll have a start on repairing it.

“I am not a crook”

“I did not have sex with that woman.”

“I did not work for Russia.”


Even before that he was going off the deep end and losing the love of his wife. Michael was at least tragic, Trump is just a selfish schmuck.

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I know Comey is a public figure so libel laws work against him, but I wish he could sue the shit out of the scumbag. Trump is literally calling him corrupt.

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donnie sounds worried

With a little dietary adjustment, your services would be appreciated at the White House.


Try Dr. Karen Overall’s Protocol for Relaxation. Works wonders.

‘He’s A Bad Cop, A Dirty Cop’

‘Drop the gun…take the cannoli.’

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Michael volunteered and fought for his country against the Nazis, and was on a path set by his father to bring his family to honesty and respectability until he got dragged into the “family business” in defending his father’s life.


I had to look it up. Are you Dr. Karen Overall? You’re not getting remuneration for your suggestion, are you?

I read about the zoomies aka frapping two nights ago. Fits my dog to a tee, but he only does it a couple of nights a week, usually when he’s taken out for the last time before retiring for the evening. Thought I had a basketcase on my hands until I read its just normal pent up energy. Its apparently totally normal though my last dog didn’t do the full crazy run-around with total abandon.

My dog has a crush on the dog next door and when he gets a whiff of her, he does the zoomie thing then too. They do it together if she’s out though. I don’t want to constrain the energy…I just wanna channel it so he doesn’t knock me down in the process. I don’t have an enclosed backyard so he’s on a leash. He uses me like a tetherball pole going one way around until he wraps the leash completely around my legs than reversing himself in the opposite direction until he wraps the leash around me the other way. Its so embarrassing. Good thing its dark out when he does it and nobody sees how I can’t seem to control my pooch. After he zooms though, he’s just fine. Loving and totally spent. Sleeps like a baby.

No way. I’m an amateur dog trainer, Obedience enthusiast/competitor, and guide-dog puppy raiser. The school I raise for has had great success with the Protocol, and I have used it for anxiety in one of my dogs (the one who’s on Prozac and seeing a behavioral vet), to teach Obedience stays to others, and teaching calm behavior to quite a few guide dog puppies. There are a couple of versions available free on the Internet, including audible.
You might also consider a front-clip harness. It’s a management rather than a training tool, but it makes walking a dog a whole lot easier.
No kickbacks for that, either :innocent:

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Dirty Donny’s time would be more wisely spent pre-booking a suite at a Federal or NY State Pen for when he and his little Trump crime family are moved from the White House to the Big House than attacking someone honorable.


Why doesn’t Comey sue for libel?

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