Discussion: Trump Denies 'Sh*thole' Comment, Says He's 'The Least Racist Person'

You know how you can tell when someone is a racist? When they are denying to the entire world that they are a racist.


As I’ve gotten more educated and experienced, the most consistent trend in my adult life has been further equivocation. Learning more about the world, and more about myself, has only made me more aware of how little I know, how small a piece of it I am.

I’m not very racist! I try to be as not-racist as I can be. But I can’t even imagine saying or thinking something like “I am the least racist person”. Beside all his other malevolent mental ills, Trump’s off-the-fucking-charts Dunning–Kruger is the scariest and creepiest thing about him.


“I am the original founder of the National Organization For Women.” - Harvey Weinstein
“I have been voted Person of the Year by the NAACP for 25 years in a row.” - Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III
“My support of the gay rights movement has been unyielding.” - Former Senator Rick Santorum
“My respect and support for the Jewish people is so great that in tribute to them I even wear a yarmulke in the shower.” - Richard Spencer
“I have won so many Pulitzer Prizes for the quality of my investigative journalism that I had to extend my fireplace mantel by 8 feet to accommodate them all.” - James O’Keefe
“In what respect, Charlie?” - Sarah Palin
“Ein reich! Ein volk! Ein fuhrer!” - Stephen Miller
“Donald Trump is the least racist person you will ever meet, despite what you may have heard from that little pickaninny April Ryan.” - Sarah Huckabee Sanders


Sad, but true.


Off topic, but I must write this. We are on a Mediterranean cruise, presently docked in Monaco. Two enormous yachts are docked here. Being nosy, I googled them. One is owned by a pro-Russian Ukrainian who is on the US sanctions list, Putin is godfather to his daughter, and he contacted the Trump campaign. Yikes. Weird.


Trump has long since passed the point of having credibility. It is safe to assume everything coming out of his mouth is a lie until proven otherwise.


At least he feels compelled to lie about his racist policies. Hitler came out and said that hating Jews was a common good. Don the Con skates all around the edges, winks and nods, pokes and prods. That’s how you work a mark. Draw them in bit by bit. More and more complicity. Trump’s drawing in more and more GOoPs, one slur ar time. “Shithole” is more direct than last week’s slur. There’s more coming. Until the MSM call him on his tactics and goal instead of promoting their personal pique at his words, it’s going to be successful. Why does CNN put racism apologists on its panels?


Nice to see the thread start off with a remembrance of Dr. King. Thanks for that. But as to PP’s racism, he invites rebuttals when he opens his mouth not just on his lack of racism but also his admiration and respect for women, but that’s another thread.


Drilling deeper, I realized he had very little knowledge about anything other than the price of beer, cigarettes, gasoline and nachos.



Actually he’s very much out front and blatant with it. I detect no Vaseline on the camera lense whatsoever.


He often casts heavily black American cities as dystopian war zones. In a 2016 debate with Hillary Clinton, Trump said, “Our inner cities, African Americans, Hispanics are living in hell because it’s so dangerous. You walk down the street, you get shot.” Trump also said to black voters: “You’re living in poverty; your schools are no good; you have no jobs.”

@gulliver No, there are no winks and nods, RR might have done that. PP is up front and proud of it.


Trump’s statements are entirely orthogonal to the truth-lie spectrum. They’re just noises he makes by blowing air through his mouth-flaps.

You might as well ask if a talking parrot lies. Can a parrot “lie”? Does it possess the necessary cognition?


I don’t even think he knows anything about golf. I think an aide points to the ground and says to Donald, “You hit the little round white thingy sitting on the little wooden thingy with the big long metal thingy.”


I think he actually believes that shit. I recall - he painted urban America as a black hell.



“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” — Upton Sinclair

“The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.” — Bertrand Russell

John Stuart Mill (1806 – 1873) : “Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative.” — John Stuart Mill

“Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.” —attributed to Eric Hoffer

“The illusion that exalts is dearer to us than 10,000 truths.” — Pushkin


I don’t remember when but swear he said those exact words sometime during the campaign.


Trump says his racist comments. He brags about if to his lackeys. Senators Durbin and Graham hear it and tell others about it. Does this stop Don the Con from lying about it? No. Does it prevent Trump GOP sycophants Cotton and others from lying about it? No.

The Trump GOP is a fully cohesive criminal conspiracy. Trump over country. They will debase themselves for Dear Leader. They have no patriotism or honor.


That’s why he hired Bannon who deep down he hated because of how he looked, but not at all because of what he believed and said about races.


At a June 2016 campaign rally, Trump pointed to one attendee and said: “Oh, look at my African-American over here. Look at him.”


To us, it’s out front racism. Too many Americans perceive it as kinda true maybe a little, like my f-i-l maybe because that’s how he was raised.

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