Discussion: Trump Denies 'Sh*thole' Comment, Says He's 'The Least Racist Person'

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Happy MLK Day, Trump!

Now then, about that standard denial formulation youā€™ve been repeating for decades: ā€œI am the [pause for emphasis] least racist person you have ever seen [met, encountered, interviewed, etc.] in your entire life. [That I can tell you, belief me, etc.]ā€

Getting a little tired, isnā€™t it? Not quite the same punch it had with the New York tabloids? Also, after Fire and Fury, best to lay off the word-for-word, expression-for-expression repetitions.

Saw where you tried out the Nixon denial formulation. You know: ā€œPeople have got to know whether or not their President is a racist. Well, Iā€™m not a racist.ā€ Good luck with that. Didnā€™t work for him, but maybe you can pull it off.


Racist orange shithole says what? Doesnā€™t DeNile flow through some shithole countries?



Totally sure that didnā€™t happen. This is the best you could come up with in a week?


Itā€™s amusing to see him STILL trying to pretend he never used the word he used, even though thereā€™s so much proof he did. I guess weā€™re to believe him because shut up, reasons.



And to prove it he denied an invitation to speak at the NAACP convention last year.


As always, Trump liesā€”even when the truth would serve him better.

As hateful and stupid and racist and moronic and nausea-inducing asTrump isā€”and he is all those things and much, much more----the most dangerous thing about him may be his complete inability to ever admit that heā€™s said or done something wrong.


He has never told us and never will what, exactly he did say, and what he said about the number of Haitians to be admitted annually under the bipartisan proposal. And our Media is on one question mode, no follow up questions. Besides, in his comments immediately after the murder of a counter protester in Charlottesville already proved what he is, as did his decades long refusal to rent to black tenants in the outer borough working class tenements that built his family name and nebulous supposed fortune.


Whatā€™s hilarious is that he has to hyperbolize when heā€™s lying - and makes it so much more blatant that he lied in the first place.


Yes. For someone who does it constantly, he sure sucks at it.


If you consider the essential elements of his personality, policies, Cabinet hires, business history, marital history, financial history, hell, just about every aspect of who he is and what he does and says, Iā€™m unsure the truth would ever serve him well.

If you yourself are the snake oil youā€™re selling, the truth must by definition be avoided


ā€œToughā€ talk is like saying racist things but itā€™s OK because itā€™s ā€œtrueā€.


Of course, heā€™s only referring to dead people when he says he is the least racist person.


ā€œThe fool doth think he is wise; the wise man knows himself to be a fool.ā€ ā€“ Shakespeare


And to see a defense by 2 senators in the room saying ā€˜they didnā€™t hear itā€™ - then ā€˜he didnā€™t say itā€™ - then later ā€˜he didnā€™t say it and Sen. Durbin liesā€™. Meanwhile Red State founder claims that not only did he say it, he thought it was such a great statement, that he called friends and told them about his statement - and that Erickson spoke with one of those friends (who spoke directly with the dumbassdon) - then to morph into a debate about whether he said shit hole or shit house as the rationale for Cotton and Perdue to say he didnā€™t say what he said. WTF?

Sounds like the work of a like, really smart guy. ~eye roll.~


He was talking about adoptions at the time.


I havenā€™t seen all the Sunday show interviews or the entirety of the few questions the press had a chance to ask Trump yesterday. I know that Trump, Cotton, Perdue and Homeland Security Secretary Nielsen all deny he said ā€œshithole countriesā€ or claim they didnā€™t hear him say that. But, have any members of the media asked, ā€œOkay, then to the best of your recollection exactly what did he say? What did he talk about when it comes to immigration from Haiti, El Salvador and African Countries, and exactly what words do you recall him using? Pin them down. Do not just let them deny - make them give a narrative in the exact words used (and not just superlatives like ā€œstrong languageā€ or ā€œtough languageā€ or colorful languageā€).

And while Iā€™m at it, donā€™t let Trump just say ā€œThe Democrats donā€™t want DACA.ā€ Make him name which Democrats have done exactly what to tank any deal (other than call Trump out on his racism).


The ā€œleastā€ and the ā€œbestā€ are two of a small handful of words he uses to describe himself in positive terms.


I am the least ā€¦ person you have ever interviewed, that I can tell you

Definitely the least