Discussion: Trump Concludes Campaign Was Spied On, Warns Of 'Long Jail' Time For 'TREASON'

There’s also the bit about the necessity of two people being witnesses to the same overt act and being willing to testify in open court to that fact.

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Another metric would be when Trump began to publicly cast doubt on President Obama’s citizenship, because that’s when he clinched the unofficial nomination.


Hmmm…bought my pocket copy of said document at that US Capitol rotunda in 1995. For a grand out lay of $0.25 each (bought 3).


Trump is now playing defense.


‘L’etat c’est moi’ even before moi was POTUS.


Just when I thought I was used to his ridiculous habit of projecting his failures onto others, now he’s projecting his crimes onto the people who were (are?) investigating those crimes.


You make it sound as if Barr might have wanted to do otherwise. Barr has been a shill for Rethug criminals since Reagan years; his attacks on everyone not-Rethug are because he WANTS to, not because he’s afraid of the Traitor-in-Chief.


Spying on a campaign is treason but using a foreign government to steal said election is not? Sure Traitor Trump.


So you’ll be fine with Trump writing on a blackboard:
“In the future I will not knowingly or unknowingly conspire with foreign agents, or foreign countries, while campaigning for President, or after being elected President of the United States of America.”

Is that a long enough sentence? :smirk:


I got mine for a dollar after Mr. Khan addressed the Democratic Convention in 2016.

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Donald J. Trump

My Campaign for President was conclusively spied on. Nothing like this has ever happened in American Politics. A really bad situation. TREASON means long jail sentences, and this was TREASON!

donnie should have someone read to him what “the Plumber’s Unit” at the Watergate building were after and why those guys were inside the DNC.


I hope and expect that tweet to be discussed at the sentencing hearing.

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You’re so old fashioned.


Long sentences require more punctuation.


Duh. Plumber’s unit. Clearly they were there to do plumbing work.

That’s where the leak was.

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TPM please copy edit before publishing: “While equivocating the FBI’s surveillance of Trump campaign officials’ contacts with Russians to treason may be out of line” I’m thinking you mean equating not equivocating…


It is perfectly possible to construct a lengthy sentence which is entirely grammatically correct and yet which does not require the use of any punctuation until the very end.


Turned into quite a flood.


While this is obviously a messaging mission for Barr, I don’t see actual prosecutions or dismissals happening from this. Wouldn’t any form of legal proceeding around an accusation of spying allow discovery for BOTH sides, thus cementing in a court record the actual misdeeds of the campaign/administration? I’m sure that is a risk that Barr won’t take.

This is all bluster for the MSM to eat up and regurgitate. Democrats should be laughing and pointing at Barr and daring him to bring any sort of charges. Perhaps they could even help in the investigation through a House committee. After all, if you are going to evaluate if the FBI had its thumb on the scale, you also have to evaluate what else is weighing on either side.

I’m sure this is why Nunes and Schiff are so chummy at the moment. Nunes wants the information behind how the investigation started and Schiff knows that just opens pandoras box.


Hey tRump, all that treason is coming from inside the (white) house.

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