Discussion: The Trump Admin Is Erasing Info On Obamacare From Government Websites

You impeach him then what? The Senate controlled by the GOP will not convict him and he will still be President. What is the endgame?


I think he/she should invite proposals for how to break up the union and allow blue states to go be modern global entities without the red states sucking up their GDP and preventing them from progress. We need to have exits of our own.


What do these fuckers have against people getting health insurance?

They have no problems spending 3/4 of a trillion waving their dick around the world, but let their own citizens have health care? Nothing doing.

We’re the only country in the world that doesn’t take care of their people. For the life of me I can not fathom how they can’t master the basics of being a human being.


There are no consequences so far for lawbreaking, so what is going to stop them from erasing Obamacare information? The House is behaving like a toothless slow-walking tiger.

On May 8th the House Judiciary Committee voted to hold Attorney General Barr in contempt.

Now, more than a week later, a vote on that Contempt motion has not even been scheduled for a vote by the full House.

Meanwhile, Billy Barr is making jokes about it and laughing in Nancy’s face.

Erasing Obamacare information is nothing to them

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…And you’d think that a government which is SO interested in forced births would want really expansive and good healthcare insurance to cover everyone…


This is only one of so many issues that the MSM is saying nothing about.

But they have replaced the old links with new links to this guy. People are saying he has a pretty open exam schedule these days.

Well now…are you saying that covering every instance of tRump uttering “Pocahontas” or “No Collusion” is not newsworthy? :frowning:


Moderators should clearly warm the poster…

Might I suggest one hour in an oven pre-heated to 350 degrees?


We now know the true “enemy of the people,” that bunch Republicans have been talking about. Republicans have told us about it for decades. Donald Trump personifies their truth.

Government is our enemy.

The Republican Party is simply a criminal organization.

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If you can catch him when he’s not in a self-induced Ketamine coma…


Ummmm… And the Government is Us (That whole “We, the People…” thing).

So we’re our own enemy?

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We’re the trigger to the Second Amendment.

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Sadly…that is what happens EVERY DAMN TIME. Admittedly, this time it is going to be much harder.


Our POTUS candidates need to hammer Trump on that.


We’re all busy watching his war saber rattling
As Always
Watch what they do
Not what they say


Somewhere Orwell is screaming…“I SPELLED IT OUT FOR YOU!”


I knew there was something I was overlooking LOL !

Naw, I’ve mentioned this previously: Orwell was a blatant plagiarist. Stole a time machine from Orson Wells and hit the right period at the height of the Trump era. Stole a bunch of WaPo and NYT material and took it back with him, then just slapped the articles into book form and sold it.


Perhaps the rule @Halcyan cited from RedState is more applicable in this case.

It is forbidden to promote or give any kind of support for parties other than the Republican Party, or candidates running against Republican primary, caucus, and/or convention nominees. Exceptions to this rule are granted when announced prominently on the front page of the site.


Ahhhh… @Halcyan Miss her.

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