Discussion: Ted Cruz Holds Second Amendment Rally Days After Deadly Shooting

Ted Cruz, please tell us when was the last time (or if ever) you enrolled in & attended a genuine firearms safety class? What would be so abhorrent about making an effort to be responsible?

its mission is to “glorify God in all we do and to be a positive influence to all who come in contact with CrossRoads Shooting Sports LLC.”

Accept my ‘thoughts and prayers’ or else.


Loss of Goober support it seems.

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Just try to take your favorite gun to the national archives to show it the bill of rights.


The only gun I would allow any of the GOP presidential hopefuls to own…and, in the case of Cruz, encourage to try out ASAP:


Isn’t that exactly what ISIS thinks? I think may even be their motto.

“Glory be to GOD, motherfuckers!” BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM

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And don’t even get them started on their “long guns”… :expressionless:

What’s fucked up is the Christian guntards wouldn’t be appalled by such a thing. In fact, those that have seen that picture are probably Googling where they can buy the damn thing.


The Cruz campaign spokesman vigorously disputes the assertion Ted Cruz is insensitive at this time of sorrow.

So true. Irony they don’t get. < /sigh>

Cruz was holding one of his lil’ rants when reporters took several pics of him…which, for some reason, really upset the Right Wingnuttery blogosphere at the time. Actually, they’re quite humorous, sorta’ feel good pics.
[Cruz was appearing Saturday at CrossRoads Shooting Sports in Johnston,
Iowa. During his speech, Cruz, an outspoken proponent of Second
Amendment rights, encouraged residents to adopt what he called a
Texan approach to guns by simply “hitting what you aim at.”] ~LMAO!~


According to a report in Politico, the event was previously scheduled, but not canceled because Cruz spokesman Catherine Frazier told Politico “even in the midst of horrific events like this, we should never rush to take away the basic liberties enshrined in our Constitution that are guaranteed to law-abiding American citizens.”

Pray tell, lady, where is the effort to take away your Constitutional right to fuck a gun in front of God and all to see? There is no such effort, you bitch!


Gak! That face.


It’s, almost without doubt, the most punchable face in Congress. And it has lots of competition. :slight_smile:

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The face that could scuttle a thousand ships.


It seems to me that they are glorifying guns almost to the point of idolatry.


One day after the deadliest U.S. mass shooting in nearly three years, the Senate voted down a pair of gun-control measures that were designed by Democrats to put Republicans on record on the charged issue.

Every Senate Republican except Mark Kirk of Illinois voted against legislation to prevent people on the F.B.I.’s consolidated terrorist watchlist from purchasing guns or explosives.


The NRA, the Southern Baptist Church, ISIS, al Qaeda. No difference.

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As a blanket statement I’ll have to disagree.
Under constant adult supervision and structured lessons and sessions there’s little wrong with target-style use by children.

Was in a summer program over 6 years as a pre-teen until age 15-- through a YMCA that taught firearm instruction at a camp shooting range. Safety, first and foremost was the word.

I came to become proficient with a .22 rifle earning NRA marksmanship badges achieving Sharpshooter Bar-7.
I really enjoyed the program-- and the competition.

Though. It didn’t stick as I got older. Guns are dangerous was the takeaway-- and since that time-- I’ve not owned or purchased a firearm. If I find I’m in the presence of one-- I don’t stay long.
There’s just so little good that can come of being where there are guns.

But-- IMHO, children can learn how to respect guns-- and use them-- in the proper settings.


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