Well-stated. Assholes like Stern laughingly spill the gasoline and hand some whackadoo the matches, then primly feign horror at the resulting conflagration. He’s a ringleader deliberately debasing our public discourse.
I thought Howard was just about HO’s only friend.
Doesn’t sound like it.
Ah, who cares what Stern has to say about this?
Talkin’, talkin dirty talk
Talk about things you’d like to do
You’ve got to have a kiss
If you don’t have a kiss
How you gonna have Don’s dream come true?
Talk about the boy saying to the boy
Pussy grabbin’ I’m a lucky cus
Talk about the boy egging on the boy
You and me are lucky on this bus!
Rodgers & Hammerstein kinda said it best…
There’s a difference between sexual comments and bravado and sexual aggression and assault.
I am a caring loving person and in my teens and probably 20s, wanting to impress or fit in, would say shit like “she has an amazing ass” or “tits I’d love to feel”, or or or…
See… the outrage sure as hell is not about the pussy words.
Know what I didn’t do? Young or old me? Brag about grabbing and kissing without permission. Like I had a right to take them. Take. Take without their consent. THAT is the issue.
The response would have been (for me) and should have been for Trump an embarrassed or shocked silence or a comment like “dude, that’s not cool” or “shut the fuck up asshole”.
A 59 year old man saying that shit. Hell no.
Hell no.
Trump’s vulgarity extends way beyond his “locker room” misbehavior.
When Howard Stern holds up his hands and says, “Whoa there, fella! That’s going a little too far…”
You must be pretty deep in the Smut weeds…
His admission of leading Ho the pig on, to the rough, is the proof.
He knowingly and willingly stokes the noxious gas from Mr. Gasbag and reaps the profits.
If he has a conscience, this should weigh on it heavily.
If he doesn’t, then this admission is just more salesmanship and is as worthless as his own crudeness is.
For the love of money, there are far too many, that will hock their soul, for not more than a penny.
I really love your comment. I would have liked multiple times if I could have.
At only 37 years old, I’ve yet to experience the type of “locker room” Trump speaks of. I’m picturing the sweaty old men in the sauna a’la godfather etc.
We talked about football and soccer in those respective locker rooms. I’ve never met a person who said things like “grab them by the pussy” in my life.
And I feel that Stern will betray Trump because that’s his MO. Shock jock. Trump is gonna have to pay up if he hasn’t already.
That’s not my experience of his audience. My wife and a gay co-worker are two of the biggest fans I know. And the latter was a Hillary delegate.
I disagree with this. Stern has people on his show, they discuss things frankly, sometimes outrageously, but it is an open discussion about things that are often taboo in polite company. I’ve heard him call bullshit plenty of times. To me, he is much closer to Richard Pryor or Lenny Bruce then to someone like Rush Limbaugh or Dice Clay.
They all look alike, amirite?
Stern is a cockroach, but he doesn’t try to pretend he isn’t what he is. Nor does he run for office.
I’d like to see the media play audio of Stern’s 1999 interview where Melania calls in for a little sexual banter. Would blow her claims that she told her husband not to go on Stern’s show out of the water http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/08/trump-files-donald-and-melania-creepy-howard-stern-interview
No Cubic Zirconia-studded cufflinks for you buddy!
Well, I don’t agree, but you certainly have a right to your opinion. In my opinion, Richard Pryor was biting and painfully funny. Howard Stern is simply a gross pig. That’s my perspective anyway.
I find it amusing how some here are going high dundgeon on how above they are to Stern’s brand of humor and that of his show.
Snuffing and others have it right in my view.
Not necessarily. I know plenty of people who catch Stern’s show daily. I used to listen on the way to work before he went to satellite. The atmosphere he creates is one where people talk very freely, and yes, he uses that to keep the audience tuning in with the shock jock stuff, but he also uses it to get people to open up about subjects they might be avoiding for a number of reasons. He’s one of the only people who’s gotten Shatner to talk about his wife’s drowning, for example, and he didn’t mock it or treat it in any way disrespectfully.
For all his childishness—and he’s the first to admit that what he does is usually childish—Howard’s always drawn a very clear distinction between right and wrong, between juvenile behavior and immorality, and between getting people to explicitly consent to very very odd and sexualized behavior (like throwing bologna slices at a woman’s ass), and the clear line of ‘no means no’.
If he didn’t draw that line, if he truly did wallow in this stuff without any awareness like Trump does, he wouldn’t be good friends w/people like George Takei.
He’s also a strong Hillary supporter. In fact, the only election I’m aware of where he wasn’t openly supporting the Democratic nominee was the 2000 election, where he had serious reservations about trusting Joe Lieberman. While I can’t say I don’t wish he’d made more of an effort on Gore’s behalf, I also can’t say he was even a tiny bit wrong about Lieberman.