Discussion: Stern Says Trump’s Tape Comments Were Definitely Not ‘Locker Room Talk'

He’s not as funny or insightful as Pryor, but few are. I do think he is similar in terms of being honest about what he’s thinking and damn the taboos.

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Especially in combination. Pryor was a once-in-a-lifetime mind, and he put himself through hell because of it.

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Stern said he intentionally brought Trump on air often knowing that he would make “entertaining” and inappropriate comments about women.

Imagine Mr. Tump being “used” by someone.

I wonder if he has ever realized that, and, if so, how he feels about being used?

yo 55: Not to mention that Trump’s comments amounted to a confession of multiple sexual felonies.
If I committed a crime I would not mention to myself in the men’s room with the door closed and in the dark.

So, the raunchy shock jock isn’t going to be contacting you for an interview any time soon. I hope you can bear up under the stress. :wink:

And that audience are the people voting for Trump now.

Oops. You beat me by a mile, lizzymom. I hadn’t read all the replies before I made the same comment.

But it’s a significant thing that programs like Stern’s have spawned a collective of people that feed on knowing that there are so many kindred spirits, and their spirit is ugly.

Yes. I grew up with three brothers. My best friends in school were usually boys. I have a husband and a son and a grandson. I used to be a Den Mother. Guys say things, sometimes raunchy things, about women. Sometimes I’m offended, sometimes not. But I have never been present or within earshot of a male conversation where anyone spoke of committing violence or just inflicting unwanted touching on anyone. All the guys I’ve overheard seem to think that under the right circumstances they would know how to charm that sweet thing into consenting to being fondled – thinking about overpowering her isn’t part of that fantasy.

Not locker room talk, more like male construction worker poker table talk, which from my ltd experience (<1989) is about trying to shock & offending everyone else sitting at the table, and at some point goes beyond reality into the realm of fiction.

Psychology? Ha!
Yes, women have been disrespected for millennia. Objectified.
It’s still wrong. Please don’t excuse it. Stop with the “boys will be boys” line.
Speaking of woman like that is not feature of boyhood nor manhood.

We all get our kicks somehow.

The one with no class, and proud of it, is Stern.

It’s amazing that we had Pryor and Carlin at the same time, and we can thank Lenny for making them both possible.


There is such a thing as locker room talk or the things guys will say while collected around a football game or when shit-talking before hitting the bars.
Ya know, it depends on just which circles of guys you hang with. I don't watch football, but I've been in diverse circles on both coasts and in between, in cities and small towns, in my 60+ years and nobody in any of them talks that shit. I'm sure such guys exist because it gets represented in movies and entertainments like Stern's. But there's a large percentage of American manhood that doesn't go into that species of trash talk at all. I hear women talk more about other women's appearance than I hear men do. Even in some of the truly dive bars and after-hours clubs I've frequented in NYC and elsewhere.

I don’t know. I’m a huge fan. The guy is damn smart, and damn entertaining. And a huge Hillary supporter. As are my Stern-listening friends. I assure you, our spirit is not ugly. But we do like laughing at weird stuff.

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I respect Stern’s view point. Maybe he could be President, but never Trump.

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Well, true, he does say what he’s thinking, and what he’s thinking makes him a pig. I don’t see where being a pig and saying so is particularly admirable or interesting. Although admittedly, I guess, better to be honest about being a pig than not. There are some people who have achieved fame (or infamy) that I find interesting, and would like to meet and have a conversation with–Larry Flynt, for instance. Howard Stern and Donald Trump are not among those people.

You’re entitled to your opinion. I find it ill-informed, but, then, I’ve actually listened to his show in the last decade.

Well, you do have me there. Listening to the show in the first decade put me off it for life. I just don’t have a strong enough stomach.