Discussion: Spectacular Fail: House Votes Down GOP Bill To Avert DHS Shutdown

must have gotten some major pushback… cause within a couple of minutes of the vote, bash had steve israel (edited to correct to israel, not cohen) on and her first comment was how the dems will be held responsible for the failure to pass – because they held firm in voting no.

The Republicans started this crap back in December. They could have ended this by fixing Immigration, but they’re too committed to fighting Obama and too chickenshit to put their fingerprints on Immigration Reform. They want to be in power, but too stupid to realize that governing comes along with that power.

The next time they want to go running to the first camera they see to scream about Obama not wanting to protect America, they need to remember this vote.

Proof that you really cannot unshit the bed.


It is the locals, and they were all elected. Only the party in power gets to draw the districts, and to be in power your party has to win the elections in the first place. Gerrymandering doesn’t fall out of the sky.


Time to hang this around the Republicans necks like a damn albatross. Play the fear card as they have in the past and continue to do so.


I remember when Nancy Pelosi was Speaker and when she didn’t have the votes on a particular bill, she’d tell the Dem base STRAIGHT UP that she didn’t have the votes but she didn’t bring up a vote that she knew would leave her hanging in the wind.


Yep. GOPers have wasted untold millions stomping doggie doo on the front porch.

If the DHS shuts down and there is an attack (God forbid) on US soil…

They do actually make a t-shirt with that notation on it:

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The dems voted no because the repubs had sought to fight the immigration fight with this bill. For years now everyone has wanted to reform immigration, rightly so too. But the Congress has failed for years to even debate the question much less act on it. This fight is about power, not immigration or funding a department. Congress failed to act so the President stepped in and acted. That pissed the GOP off to its roots. So in reaction they decided to hold DHS hostage. The dems in response used tried and true repub tactics being as they are in the minority. The Senate saw the light and separated the issues. And passed a funding bill. The House being populated by boneheads cannot tie their own shoes with 4 pages of instructions and an adult to help them.


The solution might be to turn off tp media for a week and observe the return of comity. A month, and we might get to start talking. A year and we could probably get a few things done. Not a ban, just pull the plug for a defined period and get some shit done. ClearChannel might go for it just to save it from having to pay Rush.

It should be laid at the feet of the GOP for picking this fight.

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Maybe Boehner thought he could “dynamic score” the whip count?

You know – Republican math?


I don’t think he’s going to be willing to lose his Speakership, but I have to admit, I’d like him to, and I’d enjoy the sh*tstorm clown car parade that would result if he did.

Edited for typos.


It is time for a form of means testing for Congress to be paid their salaries. If they can’t get their act together and pass legislation that will be signed into law then they should not get paid.

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And just focusing on turnout during midterms is a convenient (but satisfying) way to ignore the systemic issues at play.


As if more proof were needed: the lunatics passing themselves off as “Republicans” would make Dwight Eisenhower, Abraham Lincoln, and Everett Dirksen puke. These clowns are self-absorbed, narcissistic criminals. The fact that ISIS and other terrorist gangs are calling for attacks on American citizens and holdings reveals that this is not about Constitutionality, (which, BTW, the COURTS decide, not Congress), but rather a toxic mix of racism, aggressive stupidity, and politics.


Nancy SMASH knows how to run the House.

Boehner? Nope. Not now, not then, not ever.


You could show them a YouTube video of tying them with bunny ears in slow-motion and they still wouldn’t get it.

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Boneher can man up and deal with Pelosi…Put the clean Senate bill on the floor, pass it, and have Dems back him for speaker…We do not want a gomerthpile speaker or could be worse a huelskamp clown!

Kharma is sweet… The cretins of the rabid right have the whole mess on their heads!


Yep, and Boehner, in his infinite stupidity, forwarded a bill that managed to piss both parties off:

Most Democrats refused to vote for a three-week funding bill, and too many Republicans refused to vote for a bill that failed to take Obama to the woodshed over his immigration action.