Discussion: Spectacular Fail: House Votes Down GOP Bill To Avert DHS Shutdown

You Know you may have something there. What if he TRIED to fail? At the rate he’s going he might actually win one.

Those who’s constituencies are DHS employees, ie northern Virgina, major ports, the Southern border, etc.

Exactly. Dems have been focusing on the WH, while neglecting statehouses.

Understandable, to some extent, but it does have some limitations.


Gerrymandering is the result of state legislators … who came there via voters.

But, gerrymanders are only part of why Republicans are in control. And, even if it makes it a lot easier, voters STILL have to put them there.


“If you’re supposed to cave in because you don’t want 30,000 people to lose their paychecks — how do you make a stand if you don’t take a stand? … It’s the only option we have.”

We are supposed to care about people? Come on!

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They’ll pass it, sooner than later, this is just drama at the expense of national security.
It’s not like the Dept. is actually shutting down, thinning down is more like it. Considering the bloat in Government and this massive Department, there is quite likely much overlap and waste. May as well clean house whilst the foolishness is underway.
In fact, isn’t the best consensus that the Dept. of Homeland Security is an unnecessary conglomerate? The whole thing should be broken up, funded separately, and evaluated individually. Each Dept. has been weakened not improved by being tossed in with the one massive bureaucracy.

Its a George Bonehead Bush idea, think about that.

Can you say ‘BLINK’, JB?

You may be stunned by this, but I’m not.

Let’s face it, the typical Republican voter is dumber than a dead hamster, and they collude to elect even dumber Republican politicians.

They have just put out the welcome mat for any half-assed moron who wants to make a name for himself before he goes to allah and his virgins.

Then, after they shit their pants, the Republicans will try to rationalize it as being Barrack Husein (sic) Obama’s fault,

God, I look forward to the day when we can decorate lamp posts with these Republican traitors!

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Not disagreeing, but tired of the constant blaming of D voters for behavior during midterm elections.

Republicans have focused on statehouses, and state legislatures, while Democrats have focused on the WH, and the Senate. Republicans have been geniuses at putting red meat measures on the ballot to draw turnout–Dems, not so much, and it’s in part due the reality that our media is pre-wired to report stories in a favorable Republican frame.

Democrats have been always willing to be members of the reality community, to be civil, to disagree while still being agreeable, and we’re getting our lunches eaten by the GOP, because we don’t work our voters up into an insane frenzy that drives them to the polls.

Added to this mix is the strengthening of voter id laws that disproportionately affect Democratic voters–yet another example of genius Republican/media marketing: who could oppose ensuring the integrity of the vote?

So a bunch of white Republicans talk about “those people”, and “those people” slowly have their voting rights eliminated, and voila! Republican turnout during midterms is always better.

To simply point to Dem voting behavior in midterms as being “the problem” ignores the complexities of current reality.


kakistocracy - government by the worst citizens

Or, in honor of today’s news:



Cue up the circus clown music and play Boehner out! Take a bow, Orange Man!

How can everyone be responsible?


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District gerrymandering was enabled by a Democratic electoral wipeout in 2010. We will be living with the results for the rest of the decade.

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“This was a conscience vote about trying to uphold the Constitution,” Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC), one of the “no” votes, told TPM."

Nope. It wasn’t. It does nothing to uphold the Constitution. It does, however, contribute to endangering the American public.


Beam me up, Scottie. No signs of intelligent life down here.


Yeah well, I gotta go with Doremus on this one. Maybe all those agencies shouldn’t have been turned into one gargantuan over-arching amalgamated mess, but its all we got, and a lot of lives depend on it for a living and for the country’s security. It needs to be broken up…but until then…lets fund the damn thing.


They created the DHS to encompass several agencies because of stove piping information. George Bush was initially against the idea. I don’t automatically assume that the agencies are bloated just because I don’t know what their jobs are.