Discussion: Spectacular Fail: House Votes Down GOP Bill To Avert DHS Shutdown

Overall we have the worst group of legislators in human history on every level. Ideologues, troglodytes, corporate puppets, theocrats… we are in big trouble.

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Seriously? After the way those two cheerlead for the GOP? It’s our fault?? Now I think I’ve heard everything…


No, this is what we get when we don’t bother to go out and vote in every election that are held in our communities!

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Won’t let him? If Boehner had any moral guts they couldn’t stop him until hie colleagues in the House chose to do so or until the next election.

Where do I get the bumper sticker version?

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Shorter Tom Rooney: My constituents must be forced to understand that I hate immigrants far more than I hate ISIS.


I think DSS agents who provide security for foreign dignitaries are funded thru the Dept.of State if I’m not mistaken.

He doesn’t have the BALLS to stand up to the nutcases.

I’ll drink to that. (This is literally true.) This isn’t how the bestest county evah runs itself; it’s not how any halfway sensible country runs itself. It’s sad, embarrassing, and dangerous and I hope we can pull out of this dive we’re in. SMDH

The continuing inability of Boehner and his lieutenants to know the vote before it happens is grounds for his removal alone.

This has happened over and over, and 2015 was supposed to be different, right?

Say what you want about Harry Reid, and, Mitch McConnell, they know their votes before it’s too late to salvage the legislation.


Oh gee, this governing shit is tough.

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I just now heard on CNN that this was an abject failure by republicans.


This is great. The Teabaggers are so incompetent they can’t even pass their OWN bills.

Man, if these guys were in charge when FDR had the reins we’d not only be broke, we’d be speaking Japanese too!


[Rep. Tom Rooney (R-FL) told reporters,] “Right now I’m
leaning to … standing my ground that what I’ve been saying for the
last three months hasn’t been political bullshit. … The bottom line is
you’ve got to be able to explain yourself to your constituents that you
are not a total hypocrite.”

Nah Tommy, the bottom line is, stop feeding the trolls so you won’t have to act like one.

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I’m ashamed that the University at Buffalo even conferred a degree to Mr. Blitzer, considering how much he’s debased the media he is a part of.

And how did they gain that stranglehold on statehouse across the country? Even allowing that many of those statehouses are now gerrymandered in favor Republicans, the root issues is Dem voters at some point not showing up in the numbers necessary to keep the Republicans out of power.


That type of uninformed comment is worthy of any right wing website. 30,000 workers furloughed, 200,000 employees working without pay will have an effect.


So let’s get this straight:

The GOP refused to pass any kind of legislation to reform our broken immigration system.

After waiting for months, the POTUS finally uses executive action to enact measures that address the many problems.

The House GOP, in a fit of pique, literally takes the bill that funds Homeland Security hostage, saying that they will defund all the essential domestic agencies that combat terrorism and keep our borders as safe as they are, and they ultimately fail to pass an emergency measure to ensure that these critical functions will persist.

They’re getting paid to dismantle our most basic governmental functions like this? Did people really vote for this shit??

Who are the real domestic terrorists here?


And the “locals” often are funded by well-heeled RW groups. The local Dems need a lot more 50-state strategy/action to begin to compete in many areas. We’re competing with Koch here…

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Perhaps John should take a lesson from Nancy on how to do a whip count.

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