Discussion for article #233782
American voters (and non-voters): You Built This!
Who were the 12 Democrats?!?
“We don’t have the Senate.”?
Yes you do and they passed it.
Best URL yet…
Stuff like this is going to be Boehner’s legacy. Stand up to the Steve King-led moron caucus already.
No, district gerrymandering built this.
I’m not stunned at . I was half expecting it.
Yep. Reports all day were that Boehner was having trouble whipping votes for it.
This is what we get when we allow the unwilling and incapable to govern. (I posted the same comment yesterday about another story - looks like I will get a lot of mileage out of it.)
Exactly. Gerrymandering to dilute Dem votes relative to Repubs… Voila unaccountability!
The message was sent by the Democrats. “Boehner, you made this mess, lead or live with it.”
So Boehner held a vote knowing FULL well he did not have REMOTELY enough votes for his own measure. Instead he thought faith alone would deliver him victory
This is what happens when you believe in invisible forces, divine intervention, that you are Spiderman when you jump off the 3rd story roof.
And the curtain rings up on another act of the GOP Shitshow.
Gerrymandering was only possible because people failed to turn out for the census-year election, thus handing state-level control to the incompetent nihilists now in charge.
Hey Boehner, put up a clean bill and see what happens.
And when you drink as much as Boehner apparently does. Brain damage is the only explanation.
It was clean, but only for 3 weeks.
Make it clean for the rest of the fiscal year and see what happens.
Actually it wasn’t a clean bill. It was a CR. There is a difference.