Discussion: Spectacular Fail: House Votes Down GOP Bill To Avert DHS Shutdown

Honest to god-it’s like watching the Keystone Cops v. the Three Scooges! Complete chaos!


I taught my grandson how to tie his shoes and he understood after just a few tries. He was 4 at the time. You would think Congress could do better.

“If you’re supposed to cave in because you don’t want 30,000 people to lose their paychecks — how do you make a stand if you don’t take a stand?” If the DCCC had a lick of sense, they’d get that on the air in all 50 states in non stop rotation for the next 20 months.


If I was some fuckheaded TV pundit like Leslie Blitzer or Dame Mrs. Greenspan or Chuckie the Wonder Pony, I would say something like, “What a tragedy! Shame on BOTH parties!”. Instead, since I am a rational, sane, and thinking human being, all I can say is BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!


This as I said was about power…substance not important. The bill failed due to the crazy tricorner hat element in the GOP being unwilling to govern. And as you said dems wanting longer funding w/o immigration. None of the members deserve to be paid until they fund DHS.


“Right now I’m leaning to … standing my ground that what I’ve been saying for the last three months hasn’t been political bullshit.” Yeah, uh, that ship already sailed. You’re a Teapublican. By definition EVERYTHING you say is political bullshit.

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WASHINGTON — Republicans vowing to govern effectively as a congressional majority failed a fundamental test Friday evening...In a stunning and humiliating setback for Speaker John A. Boehner and his leadership team, the House voted 224 to 203 against their plan to extend funding for the department for three weeks....At one point, as the legislation stalled, Mr. Boehner walked wordlessly from the chamber, his head down....Friday’s crisis represented a perilous situation for the speaker, who has since taking control of the House in 2011 struggled to unite his fractious rank-and-file on spending and policy issues.

Yeah. Not having the best of Fridays, are you, Speaker Boehner?

You courted the lunatics, and now you’re paying for it.

NY Times front page story


If anything happens on US soil, I am blaming the damn Republicans and their clowns (a.k.a. Tea Party).


So has anyone asked these congresspersons exactly which clause of the constitution the president has violated? It seems we keep repeating the rep statements about illegal, etc but never hold their feet to the fire to prove their point. It certainly was never challenged when all of the last seven or eight presidents took similar action.

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… Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC), one of the “no” votes, told TPM … "If you’re supposed to cave in because you don’t want 30,000 people to lose their paychecks — how do you make a stand if you don’t take a stand?

Do these guys ever listen to themselves?

Most people would consider the idea of 30,000 people losing their paychecks as a result of that person’s actions a pretty damn good reason to cave, or to at least reconsider your stand.

Self-involved jackasses.


Cruz Rulz!

Who are oppressed, you understand.

When the Repubs were in the minority all they could do was obstruct. Now that they are in the majority and supposed to lead all they can do is obstruct. Outrageous that national security is compromised and it’s the Repubs fault!


He’s only 3/5 President and needs a 2/3 majority for any Executive actions.


watching hardball… and they’re saying that now one of the options is a 7 day extension… and boehner begging pelosi for some democratic votes… he’s desperate to keep his job. and all the commentary is hitting the republicans … ‘too bad for the speaker, he can’t control his own team’

You gotta’ love the way this was just presented on CNN. Erin Burnett began with “Democrats defeated a bill to fund the Department of Homeland Security… This is a big deal folks…” No initial note that Republicans have a huge majority in the House and have the numbers to pass the bill easily. She almost made it seem as though the Sphincter of the House Boehner and the Bagger bunch were helpless!

As bad as CNN is, that sort of sh*t was the crap expected to come out of FOX’s cesspool. That sort of distortion is inexcusable…and to open with that. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!


God damn! I hope Nancy blows some “wet kisses” at him and hangs up the phone on him.

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So I’d have to be going back on that," Rep. Tom Rooney (R-FL) told reporters. "Right now I’m leaning to … standing my ground that what I’ve been saying for the last three months hasn’t been political bullshit.

Wow! What a huge surprise! A Floridian is standing his ground against a black man. Color me not shocked.

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“This was a conscience vote about trying to uphold the Constitution,” Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC), one of the “no” votes, told TPM. “If you’re supposed to cave in because you don’t want 30,000 people to lose their paychecks — how do you make a stand if you don’t take a stand? … It’s the only option we have.” My vote, while totally screwing those 30,000 people has no affect on me whatsoever. Therefore, I am very courageous and right minded… hee hee hee.

The republican-led house, brain-dead and filled with hate for Obama once again screwed the country.


The Repubs will just blame the Pres. because they don’t really care about preventing the deaths of others.