The hypocrisy just gnaws at me…on display every day.enabling a criminal ,an ill equipped. ,unqualified menace.
Don’t fall for it!
It’s time to start ringing the phones off in both Houses on Capitol Hill!
Let their phones ring, ring and ring! We’ve got to let them know how we feel!
Also suspect.
Holding the base along with gerrymandering and voter suppression has proven to be a winning formula in many districts.
I hope you’re right, though.
This picture is only a small portion of the cowards, grifters, and gutless republican Senate. Their leader (?) McConnell being the head coward and Cornyn running a very close second. What these people have shown the country is how corrupt their constituency is. A pox on all of them.
I don’t think their salaries have anything to do with their malicious intentions to protect the Dotard at all costs. They are much more interested in keeping control of all branches of government, and expanding their reach to local, and even international levels. They are now in this beyond any point of return. The word “democracy” is not in their vocabulary. The concept of democracy is heresy to their cause.
Here’s my modest proposal. Since Kavanaugh’s nomination would never have happened but for Trump’s covering up his adultery, I suggest that we take a page from someone who knew about witches and witch hunt.
Let the eight sitting Supreme Court justices continue to wear black robes, but make Kavanaugh, if confirmed, wear the scarlet robe. That way, at least someone will bear the sign of adultery.
Yeah, we really need someone trashing the Democratic Party when the R party is in overdrive on corruption, malfeasance and all the other dastardly acts corrupt pols do.
Think about Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She’s the “uber liberal” you think a Democrat would never appoint to SCOTUS.
So YOU get real and show some fucking loyalty to the party you presumably belong to because they’re all that stand between us and an autocratic dictatorship.
Krugman just posted this. No surprise here. Enemies of the entire planet.
Climate change denial strongly linked to right-wing nationalism
Scientific awareness of the greenhouse effect, and human influence on the climate, has existed for over three decades. During the 1980s, there was a strong environmental movement and a political consensus on the issue, but in recent years, climate change denial - denying that changes to the climate are due to human influence on the environment - has increased.
“Two strong groups have joined forces on this issue - the extractive industry, and right-wing nationalists. The combination has taken the current debate to a much more dramatic level than previously, at the same time as our window of opportunity is disappearing.”
Correct. Most Republicans, including the entirety of the RNC have passed well beyond the event horizon. They’ve gone past a point of no return. Those folk are never coming back.
Maybe. I think it’s pure rank careerism that motivates most politicians. Most of them are fine with all those ideals of justice and stuff as long as they get theirs.
They are in this for themselves. It’s why people like Sen. Warren piss them off so much, and they work so hard to discredit them. They expose them and make them look bad.
has taken on a meaning and particularly a strength that doesn’t exist. It’s a myth. His base consists of probably 23% of all R voters. that’s not enough to affect anything, and his approval has never been higher than about. Rs won’t win elections with these pitiful numbers.
““I don’t know what Judge Kavanaugh has to do with any of this,” (Rubio) said.”
This president got a sitting supreme court justice to resign and is hand picking a replacement who may will be ruling on cases directly involving this president’s criminal conduct.
You can’t see what Kavanaugh has to do with this? When Kavanaugh casts the deciding vote that keeps this president in office, Rubio will be saying “Who could have foreseen that?”
You’re not the odd man out. You’re describing in the non-hypocritical position most dems take. The ink wasn’t even dry on the Weinstein story before dems were kicking him to the curb, even though he was a major money man for our side. I was super happy to have a congressman like Anthony Weiner working for our side, but he was put out with the trash when he turned out to be a depraved asshole.
It’s what separates us from them.
Their salaries, while higher than a lot of people’s and for about 4-5 months of work, are now almost like a perk. There’s Russian PAC money, American RW billionaires showering them with money, lobbyists wanting access to promote their latest project, and all these deep pocketed people will pay for the privilege of glad handing a R senator for a few minutes, in his office or on a golf course or in any number of quiet rooms.
@trnc Weiner was always working for himself. He would showboat on the House floor with over the top speeches to show he was with the working man, similar to what Grayson, another gone guy. He was looking for higher office and his House seat was nothing but a stepping stone.
Barney Frank was someone who was in fact working for our side, consistently, smartly and enduringly. He didn’t need to shout look at me, his words and intent spoke for themselves
As the Republican party shrinks (and it is shrinking), that 23% becomes more important and more powerful within their coalition. Like it or not, they are in power, and that 23% is the tail wagging the dog.
I wish I had your confidence.
Not only that, but it’s already common knowledge that he forms legal opinions based on his own personal whims and whether or not it will help republicans, rather than the law. Which is, of course, their number one criteria for picking him.
We Democrats, in the words of Barack Obama, are fired up and ready to go. Dem turnout is projected to be record breaking particularly among fed up, disgusted women and also among Rs fleeing what they know is a corrupt party of rich white men who have turned their back on working people who need, for instance, healthcare. Yeah, his base screams lock her up in W.V and elsewhere, they’re noisy but so is the moron. Don’t let the noise deceive you into thinking it represents strength at the polls. Don’t just wish for confidence, grab some, own it.
No, bullies are cowards. They don’t fear those with no power over them. Let a few traitors in Congress start going to prison, and we’ll see who bravely goes to prison rather than talk.
Rs are barreling forward to the point where they don’t need to win elections anymore. When they say the system is rigged, that’s their entire objective.