Discussion: Senate Republicans Shrug Off Mounting Evidence Of Trump's Misdeeds

Yeah it is hilarious, is it not. That they all mugged President Obama because it was the last year of his presidency, of his legitimate nomination of Merrick Garland. Now they have a President who was, by all circumstantial appearances elected fraudulently with help of the Russia-Kleptocrat Regime Intelligence Services, who is implicated in a conspiracy to violate election finance laws and commit tax fraud in the process (to claim the expenses as legitimate business expenses and deductions). And these scumbags have yet to raise a single courageous head. Not Corker, not Flake, not a single fucking one of them. “We still gotta wait and see…not sure what is gonna happen here…” Fucking scumbags.


You’re being too kind.


Do you not have some faith that Dems will flip the House (but likely not the Senate). If and when Dems are the majority they’ll have the ability to subpoena miscreants and hold hearings and maybe even take up impeachment. So my point and belief is that elections matter. Esp. this year’s.


I’m not some kid needing a pep talk, and I’m fairly sure that team D will do well in this election.

I don’t have a lot of faith in team D either, though. Last time folks were fired up and ready to go, the results were a lot less than I expected, and team D’s attention span is notoriously short.

I’m pissed off and without a lot of reason to say oh whatever. Things have changed radically about the Democratic base, and it should erase doubt they’ll prevail. So either you have faith in team D or you don’t so pep talks or the perception that you were on the receiving end of one are sometimes necessary

I was going to say the same thing
They have all been awash in NRA laundered Rubles
I hope Mueller exposes them all


You have to start with the premise that Republicans are not at all interested in doing what is morally right, and right for the country. Given that, there really is no up side to them turning against Trump between now and the midterms. After that, things may change. But again, not because the GOP will have suddenly acquired a conscience.


I don’t understand why, given the polling, one of this guys doesn’t take the reasonable gamble that actually siding with the rule of law might be the best way to get re-elected, and turn on Trump. You’d eventually be Senate Minority Leader! Even if it is a minority of one.


Sen. Lindsey Graham
(R-SC) said that Congress didn’t need to act in light of the news that Cohen
had pleaded guilty to breaking campaign finance laws with an illegal in-kind
donation to Trump’s campaign at Trump’s request and waved off questions of
Trump resigning or of impeachment, even though he admitted that “I don’t
think they can indict a sitting president,” leaving no way to prosecute Trump
for the crime he has been accused of by his former aide.
I would refer Senator Graham to his comments made during the impeachment trial of Bill Clinton for his single lie concerning an affair with Monica Lewinski. While it is true that DoJ guidelines say a POTUS should not be indicted it has not been tested in court and it isn’t yet a law and I am sure that breaking campaign finance law at the level of a felony rises to the level of a high crime, Senator Graham.
trump has been implicated in federal court under oath by Michael Cohen to two felonies.
Sen. Graham’s comments begin at about the one minute mark in this video:

Apparently a person’s political party is the defining characteristic as to guilt or innocence to Sen. Graham.


You gutless corrupt motherfuckers are going to regret this treasonous negligence.


When the Democrats retake the Senate, they NEED to add two justices - Gorsuch and Kavanaugh are illegitimate. I REALLY hope this notion takes hold. Now we’re saying fuck you to norms? Great. How about the Democrats get on board? Booker, Gillibrand, Warren? I’m looking at you. If the Republican want to add more when they’re in control, great. We’ll just play the ever-expanding game with them.


“Senate Republicans Shrug Off Mounting Evidence Of Trump’s Misdeeds” proving once again that IOKIYAR.

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Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL), an independent-minded senator ???

@Cameron Joseph: Are you out of your ^%$^%ing mind?

Have you seen his 538 Trump Score?


How much schooling do you have to have in order to be that dense? That’s got to be in the neighborhood of neutron star density…


Hit it out of the park again, irasdad. Collins especially had me laughing.

“I don’t know what Judge Kavanaugh has to do with any of this,” says Rubio.
How about appointing a judge that will (wink, wink, nod, nod) vote against any indictment of THIS sitting President, now implicated in criminal activities?

Naw, nothing to see here, move along.


I only meant that the goal of the GOP appears to be the elimination of elections altogether. They know they can’t win in a fair democratic election. That’s why they insist on purging voters, and gerrymandering, and colluding with enemy states to hack voting systems. They have some power now. They want all the power there is to have. They think they are finally within reach to end democracy in America, and they’re hell-bent on doing just that. That’s what every sign i see from GOPers these days tells me.


Watch that density reverse as soon as Democrats get an upper hand somewhere. Then the slightest hint of anything will be connected to everything. There’s no reason for these cretins to not play this game, because so far it’s worked.


Oh dear. Too much dystopia for me, but also accurately describing their intent which we have in our power to turn back. 2020 could be the year, if the Obama-Holder effort is successful, that R dominance in gerrymandering becomes a thing of the past as fewer states with R-led legislatures are prevented from coming to the front


When Rubio had a spine. Way too much verbiage but it shows who he used to be before Russian Pac money kicked in

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Of course they’re shrugging it off – that way people won’t notice the shaking of their knees as they worry about what will be exposed that THEY’RE part of - money, etc … hopefully, more of their complicity will come to light as the days go by … LOL And when the dust settles they can make their OWN versions of this “commercial” … ROFLMAO