Discussion: Senate Republicans Shrug Off Mounting Evidence Of Trump's Misdeeds

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Cowards one and all…if it was Obama they’d be all over the news demanding he resign or be impeached. They are going along because they fear the Trump base, not because they think Trump is a good president, and it’s a damning statement about them and their desire for power over the good of the nation.

All we can do is hope they continue to be cowards, and the nation’s voters punish them for not standing up for what is right and the values that American stands for.


The Republicans are all-in with Trump. Nothing that he can do, or be shown to have done, will have consequences. Never mind Teflon, Trump is protected by a force field. Nothing sticks.


Despite the bewildering array of diversity among GOP Senators, the casual observer should not be fooled.

Republican upper-chamber taxonomy boils down to a single species: “Homo Partisan”.

  • Some specimens chronically assume the classic mating posture to Trump (see “Rubio, Marco”).

  • Others display mock aggression before abruptly exposing their haunches (see “Flake, Jeff”).

  • Many engage in an elaborate and coy dance, often lasting days, before they yield (see “Collins, Susan”).

But in the end, the species simply cannot overcome its biological urge to put party before country.

Everything else is just minor variation in diet, habitat, and plumage.


Who could imagine the Guardians Of Pedophiles, formerly known as the Greedy Odious Pricks, would suddenly become the Grand Ostrich Party.

I’ll bet nobody saw that coming. Amirite?




“Tell them I turned on my laughter machine,” he told TPM…

Um, most people call that a “vibrating butt plug.”


Republicans can not be counted on, under any circumstance, to perform their constitutional responsibilities in regards to this president.

None of them, with the possible exception of Murkowski, could survive a general election without the InCels and white supremacists, and other radicals that make up an important part of their coalition, whom they would lose by crossing Trump.

Revealing and pursuing the obvious criminality of this white house is political suicide. Not one of them is willing to risk their salaries for some ridiculous sense of truth and justice.


"warned that Trump firing special counsel Robert Mueller “would be a disaster for him,” said Trump pardoning Paul Manafort for his financial crimes would “be seen as a bridge too far,” and warned that if Trump did collude with Russia “that would shake me to my foundation.”

these three statements are negotiable


i often wonder if the Russians hacked the GOP too. if they did do they have something on some of these Senators? They are sure acting like someone is holding a hammer over their heads. It is hard to understand how party comes first over the Rule of Law, the Country, the Constitution and the people come hell or high water no matter what Trump does. They are complicit and a bunch of spineless wusses.


Not surprised. And won’t be at all surprised when the center collapses and we see all these same people running for the hills and declaring that they’d never been with Trump or defended him at all and how dare anyone say that they didn’t do all they could to counter him. Just watch.

And then in a few years when we have a Democratic President just wait and see how long it takes them to suggest impeachment for a traffic ticket.


Has there ever been a Speaker of the House who has so completely become a ghost without even being indicted or caught in a restroom stall?

Can’t wait for Mittney to show up and start showing these small boys what real feckless behavior looks like.


As a general statement, I try to put myself in others’ shoes. Let’s say that by some backassward kind of a miracle Democrats elected our own version of PP, someone as criminal and hateful as he is. And let’s say he’s about to appoint an uber liberal SCOTUS justice that would overturn CU and either solidify or expand a number of rights. Would any one of us honestly want them to put that on hold? Would we want to jeopardize the SCOTUS for a generation? Probably not. Even if we hated our Democratic president and wanted him impeached, I still can’t imagine a scenario where we’d be willing to give up a SCOTUS seat.


Maybe someone should remind that giggle dick Sen. Roger Wicker that Michael Cohen was a Deputy Finance Chair for his political party and the NRA, who Wicker received contributions from, is currently balls deep in illegal Russian money.


We know for fact they hacked the RNC during the 2016 election. They just never released any information to the public. I think there’s a very good chance they have something on Rand Paul and a few others.


I want someone to assemble a list of Republican House members and Senators who promised to be a check on Trump during the campaign versus how they’ve actually performed. I suspect they’ll all come up short.


Witness the Kevin McCarthy/Paul Ryan “we know we’re family” recording. All of ‘em Katie are corrupt and compromised


The Repuglicans are all lemmings following Trump off the cliff. We can only hope that they do it quickly without dragging the rest of us off with them.

Only then can we get back to cleaning up the colossal mess that they and Trump have made of our country.


Kind of like the Birds of Paradise of New Guinea in that way…

Except for the Paradisaeidae it’s major variation in plumage and habitat. These asshats are very drab by comparison.


Yea, the most dysfunctional family America has ever seen.