You can swear on this site. It’s not like the prissy huff po.
Exactly, and one of the other unintended consequences is that folks who’d normally be forced out can stay alive on the donations of one or two wealthy donors. They stay in the race making comments the eventual/presumed nominee will be forced to denounce, comments that raise the person’s profile because the base eats it up.
Wow…I had exactly the same nightmare!
I first started having it about 45 years ago.
And the cheeseheads will still let the state go Red when he’s on the ticket.
Stupid fuckers.
(note: native Wisconsiner here)
LOL. It’s not that…NSFW.
Gotta maintain a low profile y’know…
No one is listening to Wisconsin voters. They had a chance to recall this guy, but failed to do so in 2012. Then, they voted him in as Governor, again, in 2014!
Talk about a mandate from Wisconsin voters…
Geez, Brad, a fellow can dream, can’t he?
Don’t forget that the Koch brothers have their bets hedged and have more than one horse’s ass in this race. They saw the bait and switch Karl Rove played on the big money backers last time and decided they could do better by themselves.
“Support dives.”
Yeah, just like before he was elected/re-elected three times.
C’mon. when push comes to shove, Wisconsin will stay home in droves and the people who actually vote will keep him there.
For president? People in New York, California and Minnesota vote for presidents. Walker should go home and (nostalgically) watch videos of his appearances on Fox. That’s all he’ll have after 2016.
Relieving news. Walker, Christie and Kasich are the three I hate and fear the most. The others (including Bush) are so clownish and unelectable that their entertainment value partially negates their appalling positions.
Ah hah! So you admit you want special rights. Also that you hate America, you want Sharia law, you are out to destroy the job creators, you plan to imprison all the christians, and you will wipe out all the whitened people in America as soon as you finish dangling a christian baker from every lamp pole in the country.
Other variables controlled, Granny and Gramps will always outvote their juniors…
It doesn’t require TV cameras. It doesn’t entail the obscene verbal expression “coming out” (which sounds like the Michael Jackson “Thriller” video). It doesn’t require “inspiring speakers”. It doesn’t require John Nichols of “The Nation” weighing in. It doesn’t require people massing at the Capitol building.
What happens is…a few days before Bingo, after the morning milking, they ALWAYS (like clockwork) drive the pickup (or SUV) down to the polls and VOTE, the first Tuesday in November when elections are held (or whenever Recall elections are held).
What’s that smell?
Puppets have no feelings. Walker won’t care.
Not if I beat him to it!
That would be a f^ckload of bakers-- Christian or not.
Could we add pizza makers too?
That might us get a bit closer.
Wow…the WI electorate finally understood putting this low brow in for a third time wasn’t the charm? Give them a gold star for recognizing the obvious…
GOOD. He’s probably one of the most dangerous candidates.
In the best imitation of Joan Crawford I can muster: “Yes! Yes! Yes!! Yes!!! I want to make coats out of the hair of Christianists to blanket and warm the cold; protein shakes from the finest aborted fetuses – to nourish us socialists; slave laborers of the physically fittest of the true heathens among us–and you Babble Thumpers know who you are!!–until your bodies break down; scarecrows of the Huckabees, Palins, Jindals, Schlafleys, and their like; any Christianist who looks like Channing Tatum will be worked out and photographed extensively prior to being sent to the labor camps and then on to meet Jesus, etc. Oh, and no johnney-come-latelys are gonna be spared either (lookin’ at you, Lindsey; clock is tickin’).”
(Joan could really over-act when she wanted – and made being a real bitch look awfully easy – a lot like Trump today).