Discussion: Scott Walker's Support In Wisconsin Almost Halved, Majority Disapprove Of His Governorship

I don;t know the reason he looks like he does but he is one of the dumbest looking people. I am not sure if it’s the crooked nose or the droopy eyes, but despite looking stupid, he’s a dangerous puppet


Yes, and few, including me, thought this would ever be such a disaster. Here’s why: when Citizen’s United allowed virtually unlimited cash to enter the races, I thought this was particularly bad news for Democrats and a big win for the Pubs.

Wrong! Talk about unintended consequences.

Now, with all that cash, even the lowest rated Pubs will likely stay in as long as possible tor rake in more cash. Cash that the eventual Pub front runner can’t spend as the other losers (all of them are actually!) can retain same for almost whatever political ends they can gin up post the 2016 election. Ain’t it sweet?


i can’t really get behind that sentiment. it dredges up memories of a nightmare i had long ago – the country went mad and elected the worst president in my lifetime and only a few of us were trying to warn the mesmerized majority of what could happen and they dismissed us as crazy alarmists…


Beat me to it!

I can’t wait to hear from the campaign - are they clever enough to come up with another (more flattering) excuse?

Plenty more where that came from.
Seems most times they and their ilk are not too concerned with the effective use of all that money.

The only question for them: are you in it to win it?

I’m afraid the answer might be “yes”.

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And BeattyCat is a very responsible person. :o)

When folks like Walker give up spreading their asinine “beliefs” about us in the LGBTQ Community including, among many other things, the claim we want “special rights” when all we have ever asked for is fair treatment before the law and equal access to all benefits afforded everyone else, then I’ll give up on the idiotic speculations regarding anything Walker and others like him. Until then, he and them are fair game.

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Hey, he kept the sewers running!


or something…


I’ve said for a long that Walker is creepy. Wisconsin voter now seem to agree. Sorry, ALEC.


Then you won’t get a dime.

Maybe try starting an opera company - I’ve heard one of them likes opera.

Too late.

Been there, done that.

Oh, and you’re crazy foolish if you think it can’t happen again. :wink:

In his own state of Wisi-sippi-I love it! Ah, hahahahahaha! The schadenfreude just keeps coming. I’m so glad I can’t get fat from it.


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I think they’ll have to come up with something better than that - it didn’t even work for bully boy.

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Kind of tough to use your own governorship as your main qualification when the folks who saw you firsthand don’t want you anywhere near the WH.

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I think there were many people uncomfortable with essentially a do over election so soon…even Dems who did not want him.

Oh, don’t bother wasting your precious time on trying to figure out Wisi-sippi voters. Take that time do something nice for yourself!

It’s about time!

I seem to recall at the time that a lot of people felt it was ‘too soon’ after an election, that he hadn’t had time to fvck everything up yet.

Or weren’t comfortable with the idea of a recall generally (though they re-elected him less than two years later).

Or something like that…my sympathy is severely restricted.

I think it’s the dead eyes.

always those dead eyes…it really is frightening.

If he isn’t careful, Wisconsin’s Kochsucking’ crosseyed cricket is about to get his strings cut.