Discussion: Scott Walker's Support In Wisconsin Almost Halved, Majority Disapprove Of His Governorship

If they try the activists are going to lose their minds. Maybe just maybe they’ll suck it up and finally break away.

Walker’s political fortunes will be irreparably damaged by this 2016 Presidential run. Once it’s all over and the dust settles, he’ll have to face the music back home, and all of his troubles will surely just begin.

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At some point you have to say fuck those voters. They elected this asshole, sustained him in a recall then reelected him. If 57 % are unhappy about it fuck them.

I’ve said the same thing for several years now.

The dead look in his eyes is the tell.


Yep. I’ve said all along that IA is must-win for Walker because that is probably the only 1 of the 4 early primary/caucus states that he has a shot at.

LOL! That is quite a look. “offset” works for his whole persona.

More likely they want him to stay home and DO HIS JOB, the one he was elected (by even trusting Dems) to do. Instead, he’s spending 2 years of his term thinking of himself, not Wisconsin citizens.

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The right side of his entire head is offset from the left side. It looks like the doctor who delivered him as a baby was a little careless with the forceps.

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Most people’s faces are asymmetrical (hence “my good side”). It is extreme in his case, but I’m more concerned about his lopsided values and mental ability to govern his mouth, much less anything political.


Best news all day so far.


It would be irresponsible not to speculate.


If I recall my Roman history correctly “lil’ boots” (Caligula) Got a shiv between the ribs from a body guard in an under ground passage way. And then his uncle became emperor. That would be Claudius I believe. So, it could be Caligula was about as popular then as Ol’ Scotty is right about now.


A friend of mine is from WI, and her dad recently came down to visit. We were talking about WI and I was curious what they thought of their governor. These people are Republicans and they were extremely angry about what Walker has done to their state, particularly how he’s destroying the university system. They talked about how they’d voted for him in the recall and what a mistake that turned out to be. My friend’s father was livid, visibly angry.


Scotty’s face does not show the look of FAS. Just creeping stupidity.
FAS is a terrible affliction. When I was a graduate student I knew a young man with the syndrome. Luckily he retained a near average intelligence and landed a decent job at Boeing.

Is it just me or are they saying crazier shit than even any of the candidates did in 2012? I don’t remember any of them being this batshit this early on. I’m not sure “self-deportation” would even raise an eyebrow this time around.


Paying attention to poll results this early in the game? Wishful thinking.

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Like “Wife Swap?” Gov Swap, the reality show that puts actual State Governors switching their States and administrations for 6 months! Now THAT would give Trump some airtime challenge.

I just don’t understand how the recall petition failed after what he did? I spend so much precious time being perplexed at the reasoning of certain folks.

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No it’s not just you. They are crazier than ever and then enters Donald Trump to outdo the craziest of he crazies.

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Well fucking hallelujah. What did they think would happen after doing what he did. So they gave him another chance to fuck up the state. So I am glad they are angry now, but it is too fricking late.