Why would the people of Wisconsin want him as president when they’ve seen how bad a governor he is?
“Marquette Poll: Walker’s Support Nose Dives In Wisconsin’s GOP Primary”
Hey Koch Brothers that gurgling sound is your money going down the crapper.
You know–and this is a serious observation–it might have been fetal alcohol syndrome. Do we know much about his parents, his mother in particular?
At least with those numbers, he won’t be able to do a Christie and claim that his constituents want him to stay in Wisconsin. But that might not keep him from trying anyway — truth is a very fungible entity with all of these guys.
Personally I think he would fit in better in Utah or Georgia.
If the Kochs wish to throw away more money, I’m open to being their pit. The only rule is I get to spend it actually helping the economy and other people.
Call me crazy, call me foolish, I just don’t want a dumb shit for President!! OK??
Gosh, discontented Wisconsin voters, if only there were some sort of procedure whereby a governor who is doing a poor job could legally have been removed from office–say, in 2014.
Maybe Walker and Christie could swap Governorship?
I don’t live in either state, so what 'ev.
Dropped on his head… repeatedly.
Walker campaign slogan: I suck at my current job, so promote me!
Yikes, I forgot about the Peter Principal.
As they say: “Sunshine is the best disinfectant!”
So it looks like a lot of Trump’s support elsewhere comes from former Walker backers.
You’d be surprised how easily that could happen if your kid is Scott Walker.
I doubt they’ll care, them buying Scott Walker is roughly equivalent to me buying lunch. It’s pocket change to them, and our politicians can be bought so cheaply and the return on investment can be so great.
James Inhofe has a classic FAS face, IMO.
Nearly two-thirds of Wisconsin voters, 63 percent, said they did not like Walker’s decision to run, the survey found.
Wonder if he’ll try the Chris Christie spin on that – “It’s just that they love me so much that they don’t want me to leave to become President!”
Wow, that’s one hell of a nosedive!
Yikes, I forgot about the Peter Principal.
It worked for Bush. Actually, both of them.