Discussion: Scott Walker's Support In Wisconsin Almost Halved, Majority Disapprove Of His Governorship

Discussion for article #239628

Oh, I’d love to be a fly on the wall when Little Scotty has to tell the Koch Bros. how he’s blown all that money :wink:



Compared to what?



Ouch, a 39.4% job approval rating for Walker (-17.8% deficit). His personal approval rating is even worse at 39% (-18.2% deficit).

That’s the lowest I’ve ever seen for a Governor in Wisconsin. We tend to be pretty forgiving people, especially when it comes to separating our opinions about a person’s job performance with the actual person.

(By comparison, Obama is at a 48.5% job approval rating in Wisconsin (+.09%).)


It’s like the GOP’s cursed…


He still has a double digit lead over his closest competitor. If he stays in it that long, he wins Wisconsin.

His more immediate concern is his polling in Iowa is also developing a fondness for the ground. His entire strategy is built upon him having a strong finish in Iowa. Since Trumpmania took hold, his numbers are tanking dramatically in Iowa. Check out this chart from RCP: (Scotty is the orange line at the top that plummets at the end)


According to the poll, Clinton leads Walker in a potential presidential match-up and Feingold leads Johnson in the Senate race. As much as Walker wants to talk about his electoral victories in Wisconsin during low-turnout off-cycle and mid-term elections, people need to understand that like most of the rest of the country, demographics are very different (and more left-leaning) in Presidential election years.


Also in this poll, we have Hillary beating him by 10 and Bush by 5… even as Q claims that she trails Trump in Florida (in a sample with 480 Republicans to 350 Dems).

Why, exactly, do people continue to say that Q is a “gold standard” pollster? Yeah, the media loves it 'cause the “email-scandal dooooooooms Hillary!” is all they can come up with to make 2016 a GOP shoo-in even as Trump drags the party into the mire. But seriously, will no one call them out? They make a huge deal of Hillary’s “awful” approval in key states… but they had Obama in exactly the same territory in the same states in 2011, and had Romney winning key states he lost badly deep into 2012.


I think we’ve moved on from wondering if Walker can actually win the GOP nomination, to wondering if he can salvage his political career back home once he drops out of the primary.


Nearly two-thirds of Wisconsin voters, 63 percent, said they did not like Walker’s decision to run, the survey found.

Because like Christie, they don’t want to lose him as governor.


It’s so very amusing considering the time, money and planning the Koch Brothers put into this loser.
The Pig-Rich have failed again. Not much you can do to dress up a slow-witted fool.


Oh they’ll all be back in 2020 for the next edition of the Klown Kar extravaganza after 2016 goes to the Dems It will Probably start January 21st 2016


We all knew that the more we got to know him, the less we would like him. I’m just surprised it took Wisconsinites this long.


That’s going to be an interesting question for a lot of these guys. 16 of them are out of running for any other office in 2016. Paul apparently has agreed to fork over the money to the state GOP to move up their election for him, but its not a done deal yet.

And most of them are going to be so damaged, that it’s going to be difficult to contemplate future national runs. Perry is serving as sort of a warning to that notion.


Did anyone figure out what happened to his head? Its all lopsided like it was squished in or something when he was a kid

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Narrow birth canal.

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My prediction is that the RNC moves to tighten up the rules for who can throw their hat into the ring, the day after the election. This is turning into a bigger disaster than they could have even imagined in their worst nightmares. And its only August.


This poll isn’t great news for Trump , either.
He’s 3rd behind Walker and Carson in the 1st choice category and behind Walker and tied with Rubio in the 2nd choice category.

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Walker is up for re-election for Governor in 2018. It will be interesting to see if he runs again or if he even stays in office that long. If he flames out of the Republican primary, he might just pull a Palin. A similar situation happened with Tommy Thompson, who resigned his Governorship for a Cabinet position in the Bush White House. When he returned to Wisconsin to run for Senate in 2012, he was defeated by Tammy Baldwin, despite his standing as a well-respected and well-recognized Wisconsin politico.


And those Alfred E. Neuman offset eyes.