Discussion: School Of MAGA-Clad Students Mocking Native American Closes Amid Fallout

Oh Gawd, not this shit again

…and he doesn’t even realize that at natural born citizen does not need to go through the naturalization process.


I’m sure they can find another venue to hold their rallies.


hahahahahahahaha I know - you’d think they would have exhausted this with Obama but NO.


I wouldn’t dare give that look to my mother or father.


Soon, all sides were pointing fingers , speaking their own truths about feeling victimized and misunderstood. And even after a fuller picture emerged, many people didn’t seem ready Tuesday to let it go.

This paragraph perfectly encapsulates the AP “method.” Both-siderism and “move along nothing racist to see here” all in one neat package.


They are trying to make these little pricks into some kind of martyrs…they are, if nothing else, consistent in MAGAland—always the victims.


She was born in the US so none of that applies. Cruz was not so his citizenship does depend on the citizenship.status of his parents.


And running tape of cold-hearted bitch Pelosi and Cryin’ Chuck in the background. I thought Dems were supposed to be the compassionate party! After all, no one expects the Republicans to lift a finger to help anyone. The double standard is particularly sickening today.

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Yes, but did you see GOD strike down one of Trump’s detractors last night???

Well, that and condensation seeping through the floorboards from the earlier hockey game in Staples.


No mention of the Covington students painted black and viciously harassing a black ball player from another team on the sidelines. No mention of the Covington Catholic basketball team flashing White Power symbols for the camera.

When a major PR firm is needed to craft a statement for racists to hide behind, you know that you are in Trump’s America.


Like this poor, poor boy.

And then this. Didn’t even bat an eye. Yes, those boys are carefully taught all right.



Did any of those kids chant ‘build that wall’ to that man?

That’s the only thing that matters.



I think that’s enough information.


Obviously, the school is not teaching values, aka tolerance, but instead some hate, wrapped in some religious ‘virtue’.


Yesterday at the press conference where she announced she was running some jerk off reporter asked her since her parents had mixed heritages, what did she call herself. She said “A proud American” with a big smile.


I look forward to the school being shutdown for a long time giving the powers that be to have a good look at what they’re promoting and condoning. Maybe all the parents and administration can go to counseling to learn how to not be POS.

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The author has given permission to share this in full.

I’ve seen a lot of chatter about the disgraceful incident involving students from Covington Catholic High School and an Indigenous American and Veteran in Washington, DC this weekend. This morning, as news of the “full video” began to break, people started hedging, saying that there were “multiple perspectives.” Here’s my perspective.

I served an Episcopal parish in Northern Kentucky, approximately 15 minutes from Covington Catholic High School. It’s a prestigious all-male school with a reputation for strong academics and strong athletics. You can learn that much from the website.

What you won’t learn from the website is that there is a sinister pattern of similar behavior within the Diocese. While the Bishop there concerns himself with bizarre pronouncements (such as admonishing the faithful not to hold hands during the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer) and quashing “unorthodox hymns” that are otherwise approved for use in the Catholic church, he also has created a culture that is not only anti-LGBT, but also actively seeking out teachers and other administrators who might even hold sympathetic views toward people who are LGBT.

As a (retired) soccer referee, I dreaded officiating matches where Covington Catholic was involved. The fans were always among the rudest, most disrespectful, and mean-spirited that I’ve encountered–and I’ve refereed for a long time at almost every level of the game! Student after student has come forward over the years to try and shed light on the abuses that not just LGBT students faced, but students of color. Racial epithets and slurs were commonplace in the halls.

My point is that what we’re seeing on the (many) videos circulating should not come as a shock. It is a continuation of a long and disgusting pattern of toxicity and abuse that has been allowed and even encouraged at all levels of the school and, as far as I can tell, from the diocese.

While we might be concerning ourselves with “who moved first” or “who moved toward whom” in the video, I encourage you to reflect on this: notice the posture and demeanor of the young man. There is a troubling display of xenophobia embedded here. It’s the kind that says that white bodies (read: white, cis, straight, male bodies) can be anywhere they choose at any time, but that non-white bodies (read: non-cis, straight, male bodies) must first seek permission to exist outside of their “place.” This is a window into a perverse system that thrives on toxic, fragile masculinity embedded with xenophobia. And it’s not pretty. Let those who have ears to hear, listen.


I don’t know how many of you have seen this, but the smirking boy’s mother tweeted that she wished that the US had brought more small-pox infested blankets than they did and she opined that it was true that the “only good indian is a dead indian”. Then, in the most disgusting statement she said, “There, I said it, crucify me”.

What kind of sick, sick imitation of Christ is she trying to pull? How more disgusting can she get? I’m not a Christian, but I do know that Christ said he would “spit her out of his mouth”.

Her media presence has been shut down, probably by the same PR firm that threw her son the lifeline that she cut.

NOTE: I have been notified that Snopes says the story about the mother is false. My deepest apologies. I have to remind myself not to jump on a story so quickly.


I was speaking to a Catholic monk the other day and he was going down to DC with a group of students for annual visit marking the abortion thing. I told him to dress warm and he lamented that it always really freezing at the rally. Anyway Catholic schools in NY are required to send a group to Washington every year on the date. The idea that any group of students would be wearing Trump hats is beyond the pale. Does the word “punks” come to mind?

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