Discussion: Sanders Texts His Supporters To Not Protest On The DNC Floor

Yeah Berns, sorry to have to break this to you, but it ain’t about you and likely never was.

No, it’s about them and their moral certainty.

Thanks for the try. I don’t think you ever really understood your followers


I doubt that these Bernie Brat holdouts were Dem voters to begin with. MSM is egging them on by giving them a forum to spew their Hillary-Hate. Funny thing is that they sound just like GOP operatives. I wonder . . .

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I’d love to think so but i read way too many of HA Goodman’s rants and I know that they actually believe that shit they are spouting.

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This “confusion” probably won’t matter much in the election, nor will it limit her convention bounce.

What it will do is vastly reduce the influence of the far left in future Democratic politics. In other words, they are hurting themselves.


Very true.

See woland66’s reply. 'Nuff said.

I have a very good friend of many years, a semi-retired lawyer from Nevada. She’s a pro-choice, pro- gay marriage, progressive feminist (self proclaimed). She dove so deep down the Bernie Sanders rabbit hole that I don’t think we’ll ever dig her out. Even today it’s “Bernie said this” or “Bernie did that” or “Shillary is so evil that Bernie said we should have a revolution”. I wish I was kidding.

She’s now posting anti-HRC memes written by InfoWars (which I’ve pointed out, to no avail), and is saying she’s going to vote for Jill Stein. I mean, the derp ran deep for six months with these people. I’m encouraged he’s trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube here but I really think this is something that should have been done in June after the last primary.

The “purity” progressives are out there.

I mean, she may have been beyond saving by the time California came around, but she might not have gone full bore “Clinton for Prison 2016” had Sanders just come forward sooner and thrown some cold water on the craziness.


…and some “true” Democrats still wonder why there is lingering resentment among supporters of Senator Sanders.

538 now says that if the election were held today, Trump would beat our presumptive nominee. But you go right ahead and kick political allys in the teeth to assuage your personal demons!

I agree, I worked primaries in the 60/70s and what has occurred is typical of the process. I watched party “leaders” not change the actual vote totals but changed to row a name appeared on for the final tally. When I asked, it was “this ward is supposed to be for xxx, the yy ward will vote for zzz”. I also saw many party “leaders” vote multiple times. Oh, that is OK during primaries as we are voting for long term members who can’t make it. That is when I walked. I have refused since to be a member of either party. By the way, I worked primaries for both the REPUGS as well as the DIMS during that time and saw equal shit happening by both.

Donald Trump threw many insults; the other Republican candidates responded with their own insults. He brought them down to his level.

We don’t go to Donald’s level.

Paul Ryan knew better than to kick out John Lewis from the well of the House floor.

You may not like somebody’s protest. They may do it poorly, but don’t sink to their level in silencing them via ‘tactics’. Defeat their argument. If you haul them out, they’ll never let you live it down.

They are credentialed delegates to the convention. Do you really want to tear the entire 4-day convention apart over some shouted protests during non-prime time on the first day? I’m old enough to remember the ugly delegate credentials fight at the 1964 Democratic convention; you apparently are not. Read Wikipedia and see the ramifications of what you suggest.

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Bernie’s leverage peaked a few days before the California primary.
It’s been diminishing by an order of magnitude ever since.


Well that wasn’t a tell or anything.

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No I’m sorry Fuck you Bernie
You and your asshole campaign manager riled them up vowing to fight all the way to the convention when it was mathematically impossible for you to win
Remember that Bernie?
Your monster is now out of control Dr Frankenstein


He could have made platform concessions a condition of dropping out and endorsing early, avoiding a prolonged fight. AFAIK there wasn’t even any discussion of that.

The protesters in the streets, perhaps.

Those protesting in the convention hall are credentialed delegates for Bernie; they are part of the official 2016 Democratic Party, like them or not. They are not “left fringe” voters “likely to vote Jill Stein”. Today is their first chance to react en masse to the DNC Wikileaks revelations. I think they will settle down for the prime time speakers this evening.

Sure, if platform concessions were the endgame. They weren’t. The engagement-level of his supporters was the end-game. The problem is, he needs to have been working harder once he did endorse to make sure his followers understood why the pivot’s so important.


This does not surprise me. Sanders led his followers on long after they did not have any chance of winning the nomination. Both Clinton and the press to a vast degree pulled their punches for mess letting them yak about. Many Democrats support his goals but he never had a plan for getting them accomplished. Now he doesn’t seem to plan for getting his followers in line to defeat Trump. My poor country.


Is this truly your perception of Bernie Sanders’ campaign against Hillary Clinton? We should all be grateful that Ms. Clinton has thicker skin than you do.

A though occurs: I wonder if there are any edits or changes being made to the Sanders speech for this evening in light of the boorish behavior of his delegates.

@answerfrog: I am guessing he/his people may be punching up the unity and Hillary praise portions a bit more than they were going to do initially. You know start with revolution, good fight, opponent, now a team, all work together, Trump bad, revolution continues, first step is elect clinton and then keep going…

Hey I am an optimist.