He’d get better results if he gave them a scolding… and a belting.
ETA: He texted again that their behavior is damaging their movement. Well, he should have thought about that while he was reveling in their boos and calling the democratic party corrupt, long after it was clear he couldn’t win.
The Times is reporting they’re booing Bernie when he tells them that Hillary has to beat Trump.
Bernie, as one of the many who both voted for you in the primary, and have now moved on to supporting Hillary for the general, I just want to say: Thank you.
heck, in a text, it’s an autocorrect typo.
Sanders engaged in months of pointless (given that he could not win the votes), self-indulgent, self-important, foolish, ill-considered, over-the-top rhetoric creating this situation.
Then he delayed, delayed, delayed in giving Clinton a straight-up endorsement.
The guy cannot think or act strategically at all.
I can’t count the number of times I had to tell my phone “yes I deffinately mean IT’S, you stupid thing!”
I voted for Sanders but never would I act like these fucking loons if I was a delegate. How did these people become delegates? I thought you had to be active in the Democratic party to be a delegate. These people are opening saying they will vote Green. So depressing.
I disagree. If he endorses early, then there’s no leverage for the platform. Without leverage for the platform, there’s no ‘win’ to rally his supporters around. And then a lot more of them stay home.
Except he may have gotten much more of a win if he had acted cooperatively and gotten what he wanted cooperatively. I am not at all convinced he was “given” the platform wins because of holding out. In fact he may have gotten more.
But it doesn’t matter. A great deal of his supporters have moved with him, the ones that aren’t never will. Some of it is the result of the constant incorrect “rigged” and “wall street” tactic which were really short sighted in my opinion.
The delegates on the floor should know better, but they won’t. At this point he is doing what he can, it just doesn’t matter anymore. Its the past catching up to him.
In spirit of fairness I never got the sense Sanders demonized Hillary. He took some cheap shots in the middle of the campaign, but he did demonize Wall Street and the DNC. I am guessing it didn’t occur to him that by going too far and too long he may have caused a spillover effect. Someone can correct me but I never really heard him say anything about Hillary that goes that far (except his “not qualified” outburst).
if Repugs revoked one white supremasist, Dems should be ale to kick out these nutjobs as well.
A graceful concession during the week following CA primary could have made a difference. As it is – he lead zealots too far and nothing, not even a text message, can change their behavior. Zealots are a minority of his supporters but the question is – are they loud to distort optics so much that Trump will be elected? And I am terrified of the fact that we are at a place where I don’t just dismiss this thought out of hand as completely crazy.
Really, he thinks that after demonizing and painting Hillary, not as an opponent, but as the evil witch of the west, he can say a few words and they will listen to him. Face it, Bernie has always been just a vehicle for their anger. To hell with my vote and the 3 million more votes Hillary received over Sanders. They want what they want when they want it. If they don’t get their way, they will yell, scream and stomp their feet.
We have already done this experiment: in 08 Clinton endorsed Obama a few days after the last primary. She campaigned for Obama with passion, she nominated him at the convention. PUMAs did not stay home – they voted for Obama.
This contrasts with Sanders who, with his closest advisors, continued to imply the Clinton is corrupt well after CA primary. Some of his surrogates still promote this meme.
I can’t correct you with facts but I have heard implicit accusations of corruption during the last couple of months of the campaign. Yes, they were not explicit but that is what I was hearing.
They don’t care and won’t listen. After all, Sanders himself said this is not about him or any one candidate… revolution!
I appreciate him doing this, but you are trying to get the shit back into the horse.
and trashing the party, the system, throwing out the past, all in ignorance. sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.
Funny thing is, they probably think they will have influence on party positions going forward after this. As if we will forget…
Given how the Sanders campaign vetted their Nevada state convention delegates, they may have no idea who these delegates even are.
MSNBC interviewed one of the protestors as they marched down the street today. She was obviously chosen because of her views. The protester is in the Never Hillary camp and thinks Clinton is more dangerous than Trump. You know what I think? I have to believe that Donald has paid some to join in the merriment just like he paid the audience as he rode down the elevator with Melania to announce his candidacy.