At what point do we stop assessing this in political terms and address what (I think) is the heart of the matter, more of a psychological condition? We’re past ideological differences when we look at the behavior of this party over the past 8 years as they writhe in racial contempt. 9/10s of all registered Republican voters identify as White, non Latino. That’s a documented fact.
I’ll give the Right their due on the birth abortion issue. I, as a male, am not sure when life “begins” and am not comfortable with ending a pregnancy (who really is?) but I will definitely defer to a woman’s right to decide. But anything else they think they stand for shows a decided unwillingness or inability to think through a subject, or try see the Big Picture. That to me isn’t a lifestyle choice, that’s a mental defect. Sorry if that sounds hyperbolic but I can’t see it any other way. It’s just an unwillingness to try see the truth that they invariably lack.
“We’re seeing more and more that if you don’t hold the White House, it’s very difficult to govern in this country — especially in Washington D.C.”
Rinse isn’t slick at all. Trying to blame the GOP’s Congressional meltdown on not controlling the White House is bullshit of the worst kind. The GOP has defined governing as controlling the Presidency. The GOP couldn’t beat Obama, and to some extent, couldn’t bully him. As the GOP has moved further right, and gotten elected candidates who think their job is to hamstring Obama at every turn, it’s ability to govern has been lost. Look at the state and local levels, the GOP cannot figure out how to govern unless it has a veto-proof majority and/or can rewrite legislative rules.
In all seriousness: they are done. They are sailing off into demographic irrelevancy. They’re suffering from attrition, and as they become increasingly radical, they’re pushing away the replacement voters. Aggressively pushing them away. He is absolutely correct, because if we get another dem. term or maybe two, the SCOTUS shifts back favorably and their window to undo administrative policy choices (and the ACA) vanishes. They won’t have a constituency for their desired policy changes any more, and the wedges they used to build their current constituency will lose their power (abortion perhaps alone will remain). The GOP will have to rebuild and we’ll have a realignment.
Well you make valid points, but do you know who was a big Dem turn out the vote machine?
THE UNIONS!!! The weakening of unions by repubs since Reagan was all part of the plan to make sure the Dems get out the vote plans were hurt big time. I am a Hillary supporter and find the excitement of voting for a woman for president to be overwhelming. Elections are won in the middle. We have seen this over and over. No one on the far right or left will win. All that matters is Nov. 2016.
Today’s Republican Party presents the most danger to this Republic in my lifetime, in terms of actual potential to destroy (I was born after WWII).
The Planet will die
SCOTUS will have at least two more fascists (maybe the above will render that moot)
these are just for starters
If those who have not been irreparably brain damaged by FOX fail to vote in 2016 in quantities sufficient to stop the G.O.P., they are just as responsible for this potential tragedy as the most bigoted TeaBaggers.
Gerrymandering, Fox, inept media and SCOTUS will keep it alive for a long long time,probably forever. Its been stinking for a while but you cant underestimate the uninformed electorate.
Were they to win the Presidency and keep control of Congress and stack the Supreme Court and continue gerrymandering the heck out of everything ir really would become a Plutocracy governed by a wealthy few and they would not be nice about it to those who didn’t consume enough. You would see more cops killing blacks. Indentured servitude to the CC Companies. Women in prison over reproductive rights. Mexicans deported unless they mow a Republican’s lawn. Soylent Green would become an actual food source. One of the first things they would do if they assumed complete control is take away guns from people of color. They’d flip so fast on that one.
Here’s the sad thing. They do have some good ideas at times. So do the Democrats. If they actually worked to make the country better, wouldn’t that be wonderful. If they had worked with Obama to improve the economy and make Medicare for everyone instead of the stupid Affordable Care baloney, we’d be much better off today.
Unfortunately it isn’t true: the GOP actually does well politically when they don’t have the White House, so they can run against it. And they’ll control the House after 2016, and probably re-take the Senate in 2018 if they lose it next year. So they’re several years removed from the prospect of a defeat so significant that they’re forced to adapt.
“So I think that — I do think that we’re cooked as a party for quite a
while as a party if we don’t win in 2016. So I do think that it’s going
to be hard to dig out of something like that,” he continued.
But Priebus said he feels “history is on our side.”
HA!!! More like your party is in the dust bin of history. Look at your offerings for President. What sane person would vote for any of them?
I don’t get the Rubio thing, I think he’d be just as terrible of a candidate as any of them. Hell, hispanics don’t even like him. He is in no way ready for prime time and has a bunch of baggage that hasn’t been talked about lately because Trump/Carson fiasco. He hasn’t come that far from his total stress out on delivering a rebuttal to the State of the Union. If he can’t handle that pressure, he ain’t ready or capable of handling a presidential campaign as the nominee, much less the presidency, and it will show loud and clear.
If Clinton (or Bernie for that matter) wins, Rubio will never withstand that juggernaut.
If Hilary wins you’re going to see the worst of the GOP. Yeah, sure Obama brought out the Sons of the Confederacy, but everyone already knew we hate Blaaaah people; but if the country watches us go after a white woman with that same vitriol that we attacked that nigg….I mean Blaaa guy, that will be the end of us.
well, he is kinda correct…that is why as many of the Red States are passing voter Id laws…that is Phase One of the 2016 election fraud plan…Phase Two has just kicked off in Kansas, with a huge voter purge…that coupled with states closing down DMV’s and making it difficult for most to obtain the required documents, leads us to Phase Three of this upcoming election fraud…we are going to start hearing about the “old and abused and out of date voting machines”…they need to be replaced…and just WHO do ya think is gonna step up to the plate? Die Bold and other Corporate giants who own the gop…so, if anyone is wondering why the gop still isn’t in “panic” mode, we know the reason…and as for conspiracy theorys? Fuck you Alex Jones, I gots one better…
There is no far left to speak of, nor has a full throated liberal ever not been undercut by the party at the presidential level. I’d say The left side of that statement is untested. this allows perception of the “middle” to move farther right.
I suspect if Preibus looked at his GOP candidates, he might start to wonder how the heck the voters will ever be on his side.
Does he really look at Marco Rubio and see a sharp, smart, national candidate who could possibly run a slick, big-time campaign? What would lead him to believe such a thing?