By means that don’t violate anyone’s voting or civil rights-- then, yes-- I agree.
By means that don’t violate anyone’s voting or civil rights-- then, yes-- I agree.
Sir, maybe the cooking of your party would make ‘‘America great again.’’
Say what?
I’d say the prospects of the Democrats are looking good only because they have (so far, mostly) realized the futility of running as ‘Republican Lite’.
But I’ll play along…what are these “conservative-led ideas that have been adopted by the Democratic party”? You may have had a point back in the nineties and aughts, but we’ve seen how that turned out.
And, any ‘conservative-led ideas’ that you believe have been embraced by Democrats (maybe you’re thinking of “RmoneyCare”?) that are similar to proposals by conservatives have been promptly renounced by conservatives, so I fail to see how they can “claim” those ideas any longer…
The idea that conservatives have ideas, any ideas, that will move this country forward is ridiculous on it’s face, and flies in the face of history. The only thing that keeps conservatives in power is propaganda and money (and gerrymandering, of course). There is nothing of substance to any “ideas” supported by the GOP faithful.
But feel free to school me - I could use a good belly laugh this morning!
Not to mention that their “ideas” never come out the way they predict. Ever.
[***"…we’re cooked as a party."*** ]
Good riddance to bad trash. After you’re gone, perhaps Mittens’ cult can baptize you.
Epitaph: Overdosed on hate, bigotry, racism, misogyny, homophobia, and religious bullsht.*
“Cooked As A Party’ If We Don’t Win 2016 Election”… Best case for GOTV on the Dem side I’ve ever heard. Cooked crappy r’s would be a real treat, and what a relief.
By “history” Reince means ‘cheating’.
And Democratic voters who only turn out during the ‘fun’ presidential election years and are completely unwilling to do the work of voting in every other year, including the ‘boring’ mid-term years. It’s seems like a celebrity culture.
It wasn’t gerrymandering that handed the Senate to the GOP.
Republican voters vote in every election.
If Democrats don’t turn out their base for every election, including state house elections, they will never be in a position to undue the gerrymandering and will never hold the House again.
‘All politics is local’ For the first part of my life, it was the Democrats who understood this, but that seems to have change.
I do think that we’re cooked as a party for quite a while as a party if we don’t win in 2016.
IOW – we will be pulling out all the stops to rig votes and/or disenfranchise anyone we believe will not be voting for us.
Translation: “My cushy job situation will be cooked if we do not take the White House next year, so somebody please, please, please do something to make us win”.
A party that doesn’t know how to govern or compromise has no future at all. Not one of the current Republican candidates has a chance of defeating either Hillary or Bernie. As long as the Republican party is captive to billionaires it’s future is disastrous.
And if the GOP wins this election, the US is cooked as a country.
There’s a saying about football, “There’s offensive holding on every play, the refs don’t always catch you, and when they do they don’t always flag it.” Every election has shenanigans, gerrymandering is pushed to the extreme, and voters are either encouraged or discouraged from voting through means both legal and highly dubious. Me, I say pick your fights, defend your rights, but in the end get over it. Like offensive holding, it’s always going to happen, it’s part of the game. In the final analysis strap on your helmet, quit your whining and go out and kick some ass.
I imagine they do too. But I also imagine they’d do a better job of governing if the positions were reversed. What have the Republicans actually managed to do with their majority status? Because they seem to just flail around in venomous futility and if they’ve enacted any popular legislation I must have been absent that day.
Agreed and to your point, even holding the house in’12 despite getting over a million less votes…
Also I think your forgetting another favorite of the GOP… Voter suppresion…
However as far as midterms, Some Democrats share a little blame here only voting in presidential years. While the house (and state level legislatures) are well gerrymandered, the governor, Senate, AG, SOS office races can’t be. Many races like this are in midterms (i.e. Mass has a republican governor) and winning Governor seats could save our ass with the veto pen at the state level…
think about Wisconsin, imagine Scott walker didn’t make it? Russ was still senator?
Sadly, there are other blue state examples just like this.
A mid-term, gerrymandered, vote suppressing party that can only get the White House with an appointment by the Supreme Court. In other words, the GOP can’t win by GETTING votes, they must win by SUPPRESSING and not counting votes. Quite a commentary on their view of democracy.
I Love Bernie, although I will enthusiastically vote for Hillary. Hands Down.
But even Bernie had to “get kool” on the Tee Vee for the “koolies” of us, by doing a dance for an intro. If Bernie was bound up like FDR, I would still vote for him, if given a change in the General. If every kid who was drawn to him by The Dance votes, so be it. But we have GOT to inculcate some civic awareness in kids in this Fourth Estate-less environment, where “news” is money.
Voting… Leads to responsible public officials… Leads to policy…Leads to a higher quality of life.
Are things so bad that this sequence is that difficult?
When everyone under 45 knows by heart about 1 million cyber/computer sequences 10 times longer and more complex?
I have been waiting since Reagan for the repubs to fall from grace. They have finally shrunk themselves full of haters. They have the rich and the ignorant racist homophobic mostly white males who drag their women along with them. Any woman who votes repub in this day and age is a traitor to her gender. Repubs stand for everything I am against. Sadly they will have power in the House due to gerrymandered districts which is related to left leaners not voting in midterm election years. We must not forget this lesson. The next census is in 2020. There are still states where whoever is in charge after the census, gets to draw the House districts. Finally, I’d like to point out that Hillary and Bernie supporters are on the same side. Bernie supporters are becoming a big turn off when they act like Hillary supporters are their enemy. It’s all about Nov. 2016 and who will appeal to the voters in all the states.
Quick, require a drivers license to vote, then make a list of DMV offices in areas populated by minorities and close them! Haste not!
If you mean success by total obstruction then yes, he has been good. But history will show Boehner to be the WORST speaker ever. And what “conservative” ideas are democrats pushing? The only one I know was Heritage Foundation healthcare that your party renamed “Obamacare” and your party couldn’t even support their own ideas because a black President got it through. And the Democrats moved right as a party but not the voters. Killing SS, Medicare, healthcare, cutting social programs for the poor and working class and destroying the unions are all republican conservative ideas and none are being adopted by the Democrats. So please expand on those conservatives ideas you claim the democrats have adopted…I need to see what the hell youre talking about because I think you’re delusional.
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