Discussion: RNC Chair: Candidates Should 'Proceed With Caution' When Talking About Latinos

My mom taught me to support the United States of America and respect our President.

So if I vote for Republicans, I’ll be disobeying my mom.


.|…barn.| ------------>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>horse

Someone should tell Reince that ship has sailed. He and the rest of the GOP missed the boat. Yeaaaaaa!

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Oh where is @doremus_jessup when we need him?

Trump will make Mexico pay for his wall. Maybe the deportees will pay for the gas for the trains to transport them?

Hard sell

“GOPers Should ‘Proceed With Caution’ When Talking About Hispanics”

Hay Rancid, here’s an Idea. Try talking TO Hispanic Voters, rather than about “them,”


…not out loud and not until after
the election. in the mean time, just dog whistles, please.

It’s bad, Matt.

There are several things (in no order of importance)

  • It is, in a sense, worse than the fascists in Europe. Then there was an actual World War (The Great War) for the Italians and the Germans to be upset about. There was the Versailles treaty. These racist Baggers ARE ANGRY BECAUSE OF FOX INDUCED FANTASY, and the symbolic hurt of white supremacy slippage.

  • FOX and Talk Radio will never stop (there is no reason to). The audience is there, there is money in it and “truth” is not required for their broadcasts. In addition, to HOLD the audience, it is necessary to exaggerate and distort even more, largely because of the ignorance, venom and racism of the audience.

  • I am a fairly educated man. I also have no intrinsic dislike for any person of any colour. Yet I can understand the palpable anger which is the result of these dog whistles. Imagine non-stop stimulation of the worst of human nature on a daily basis. Where does all this anger go?

In my mind, 99.99% of the responsibility for this state of affairs lies at the feet of the Fourth Estate. FOX and Talk Radio are no more Fourth Estate than a barker at a carnival. They are guilty of malpractice.



In other words watch your mouth and say what’s acceptable and not what you feel. Although I hate the fucking term, I think Mr. Prebus is asking his candidates to be “politically correct”.

It’s never good for a minority when the more powerful majority fears them. I’m serious.

Some of the people, especially people in rural districts, don’t have a choice unless they want to fork over the $$$ for Sirius or XM. Awhile back they didn’t even have that choice. They are out in the boonies and if they want to listen to the radio and “news” this is what they are fed. I used to drive up through central CA years ago fairly regularly. I had to listen to this crap if I wanted to hear anything at all on the radio. I started renting audiobooks so I wasn’t yelling at Dr. Laura while driving.

There is a reason Rush is paid what he is paid even though there is no way in hell “Horny Goat Weed” supplements provides his multimillion dollar salary.

The Chairman is right. Republicans need to focus on winning over the voters from Hispania.

So he’s essentially saying be careful when you tell the truth about wanting to discriminate against Hispanics like your do blacks, women, Jews, Muslims and gays?

What Reince isn’t saying out loud here is, "After all, you need them to do your lawn work and clean your houses cheaply. They are hard workers and keep down wages for others. And they might be suckered into voting against their own best interests by the abortion wedge issue if we don’t push too hard against their ethnicity?

Everything that Rinse Pubis said on CNN is intended to demean, denigrate and destroy the majesty of Donald J. Trump’s campaign. The RNC is being Unfair after getting Mr. Trump to sign a Contract. Mr Trump should use this breach of contract sue the RNC and to keep his Third Party run option open.

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Yes. You may recall Colbert having fun with him for this reason at the GOP convention three years ago.

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Frank Luntz can help with that.

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“Well, look, I have said many times, the way you communicate and tone is very important. And, sometimes, it’s not what you say, but it’s how you say it. I think all of our moms have – have told us that,” Priebus told Tapper.

Especially racist moms, who don’t want their racism to be so easily spotted!

They have rolled out re-branding since 2008 (anyone remember the 2009 “Listening Tour”)

http: //www.politico.com/story/2009/05/gop-leaders-launch-listening-tour-022020

and so it has gone after every successive loss. Wash, Rinse, Repeat.

After 2012 The tea party said that the problem was the candidate Romney wasn’t conservative enough they would have won “If only a real conservative had run”

The scary part is where do they go after the next loss when there ain’t no more right to go to.

Ignoring demographics and listening to the right wing propaganda channel since 1996 has reaped the expected reward .

“Well, look, I have said many times, the way you communicate and tone is very important. And, sometimes, it’s not what you say, but it’s how you say it. I think all of our moms have - have told us that.” - Lee Atwater acolyte, Reinse Priebus.

Yes, as mom was ironing our Saturday-night-go-to-a-lynchin’ robes. Speak in code, people!

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You can’t unring the bell, doofus!