Discussion: RNC Chair: Candidates Should 'Proceed With Caution' When Talking About Latinos

Translation: “Don’t tell the truth about how you REALLY feel about your maids and gardeners. Just go along with the plan and we will get 20% of the Ignorant Wetbacks to vote for us! AFTER the election we can start bashing them again (in preparation for 2018) and abandon them just like we do every cycle with the moronic Evangelicals (will they EVER LEARN? No. That’s why they are SO GREAT.) and get on with our ONE TRUE GOAL: Tax Cuts for the Wealthy. (All praise to Mammon in his Monetary Glory.)”

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Aw, RNC Chair Greased Penis is having a sad…

They have to proceed with caution on everything except, white male “christian” dominance, for the majority of their supporters. For all other voters they have to figure out how not to admit the truth about their majority voter and their catering only to them.