Discussion: RNC Chair Calls Lack Of Rape, Incest Exceptions On Abortion Bans 'Egregious'

Alabama executed a man the day after the abortion ban was signed. So much for life being sacred.


You know, the thing is that I do not believe for one second that there is a woman on earth who approaches this procedure as something to be taken lightly. Too many ProChoicers act as though women deal with an abortion like a new haircut or something. I do not believe that they are emotionally untouched or unscarred by this at some level. Those women I know who had one had good reasons, in all cases their lives would have been negatively and irrevocably changed if they’d had to go through it. It was neither an easy nor a light decision.

I also do not believe that carrying a baby to term and letting it go out into the world to be adopted is any less traumatic.

I am not sure if I’d have ever chosen either myself, but luckily I never had to make the choice.

But I respect a woman’s right to make such a decision herself. She, and she alone, has to live with the consequences until the end of her life.

(Yes, I realize that, theoretically, there is a father who could be affected — but sadly that participant is often the reason why the decision must be made.)


She only considers it "egregious " because SCOTUS won’t be able to outlaw abortion entirely with those stipulations included.


Once again Steve Sack nails it:


It’s not even about Abortion per se;

It’s all about “Punishing the Sluts” and “Keeping the Bitches in their place.”

Everything else is just smokescreen.

Alabama = Republic of Gilead


And Jesus wept. He wept and wept and wept…


I just…I can’t…

What the hell is wrong with these people?

That about all I can muster today.


The rape&incest&life-of-mother exception has always been a chimera. Because then you ask, what committee must judge if this is ‘legitimate’ exception? What hazard do you create for a medical team who makes the ‘wrong’ decision?

Of course the only person truly able to make a judgement is the woman herself, in consultation with any personal or medical advisors she chooses. And that is the one person they exclude from the decision.


Republicans know women are telling the truth and that’s the problem. These right wingnuts believe there is no such thing as rape. That “all women really secretly want it” and since men have dominion over women anyway, they are free to do whatever they want with us, whenever they want. It’s sick, perverse and akin to slavery.


If we Dems don’t show up to vote in droves in 2020 -no matter how impossible Republicans try to make “voting while Dem” -I honestly wouldn’t know where we go at that point.


Costa Rica

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Let’s get this straight. McDaniel says she supports life. The reality is that she only supports life for embryos and fetuses. Once that fetus becomes a child (ie is born) the Republican model for health care is “Die Already” if you are not rich.

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Why are democrats not asked the tough questions?
Because the cowardly media interviews republican politicians 90% of the time.
Since your party has gotten away with gerrymandering and voter suppression for a couple of decades, and you are keeping a traitor in the white house, you might not want democrats to be asked questions - because you are not going to like the answers.


If they put 1/2 the energy re-uniting immigrant children with their parents, they might actually be doing something that has their god’s blessing.


same with hitler and his houses for women who were partnered with soldiers to produce strong aryan offspring. I always thought that it was a bit of allied propaganda until I read two different accounts from GI’s who came across these houses while fighting their way through the country.


They’re all in on old testament god, the hippie peace loving dude of the new testament is not their thing.


I think it’s important for us to understand what is going on here. The Republicans are freaked out that this Alabama Law will be a political disaster for them in 2020. If they had any hope of winning the “collar counties” around the big cities from Pennsylvania through Iowa, this new law will make that virtually impossible to do. So, they need to send the signal to “their” judges, from Roberts on down, that they want the law killed and killed fast, no formal burial necessary. A quick injunction will do. That’s what Ms Romney is signaling. Kevin McCarthy is doing the same thing. And if they can’t get the message across to their religious cult members, Pat Robertson will.


Well, you have that all wrong. Most Jewish scholarship from the Bible (not the Old Testament to us) through 3,000 years of scholarship sets out the core principle that personhood doesn’t happen until a baby is delivered.

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Ronna, 2019

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Oh, totally agree. A 5-4 decision upholding Roe v. Wade in spring 2020 will enrage and demoralize republicans, and energize Democrats to ensure it stays that way with the next vacancy selected by a Democrat.

A 5-4 decision overturning Roe v. Wade will slaughter Republicans at the box office in November.

Politically, I don’t see any upside for Republicans to even have it on the docket this year. Suspect Roberts is looking at the same bit, and will try to punt and not take any cases this year.

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