Overton Window. Now the moderate position is total ban with exceptions for rape and incest, and pretty soon the MSM and “centrist democrats” will all support the compromise position. The SC gets rid of Roe.
I am an old man, don’t care one way or another, specially since the young women that are affected by this can’t be bothered to put their phones down and do something about it. I guess it’s a good time to invest in wire coat-hangers.
It’ll likely take the loss of the rights to galvanize action. Roe’s been the law for nearly half a century, all of these fights have been more or less abstract, in that they don’t have any national impact (localized ones restricting access, sure).
So you’ve got a couple of generations that don’t have any memory of a time when it was illegal.
I fully expect that the actual loss will lead to massive action, protests, and turnout.
If they really care about life, babies, families and all that maybe folks like the RNC chair should be addressing infant mortality, prenatal care, poverty, education. The U.S. has the highest rates of maternal death in developed countries. Alabama is among the highest for child mortality and the highest for children living in poverty.
Ronna is more concerned about the frequency of Tom Perez’s appearances on CNN and the questions he is asked than what is actually happening to children and their mothers.
It’s illegal now in Georgia and Alabama, where are the big the protests? Most young women are going find out that they have no options once they are pregnant.
I am personally pro-life. The reason I believe in keeping abortion legal was because I lived in a country where it was illegal and clandestine abortion was one of the leading causes of death among women. Once I was waiting for a girlfriend at the emergency room, there comes this pregnant woman bleeding badly. My girlfriend that was inside overheard her conversation with the ER people, she was evasive about what happened even when asked directly if she had tried abort. She did not make it.
Republicans think women lie about rape all the time! Did “legitimate rape” Senate candidate Akins, “got her mommas permission” Senate candidate Moore, and Justice “I like beer” Kavanaugh teach us nothing? They think women lie for attention, sympathy, money, political advantage, fear of shame, fear of their abusive family member, or for any number of reasons. They don’t want to add wanting permission for an abortion to their long, imaginary list.
They’re also panicking because they know how politically toxic this is. Doug Jones probably went from a really unsafe seat to a toss up. Collins, Gardner, McSally, Ernst, and Tillis have probably gone from toss up or safe to a slight Democratic lean or toss up. Should SCOTUS uphold any of these laws, the ones in KY, MO, OH, GA, or AL, my guess is that all five of them are gone along with the Senate. Now they’re desperately trying to distance themselves and the party from this political abortion by pretending AL is off in some bubble when this is what they wanted all along.
None of their arguments ever made any sense. If abortion is murder, why does who impregnated the mother, matter? Why are you against the morning after pill, which prevents pregnancies from occurring? If you are pro-life, why are you pro-capital punishment? If all life is precious, why do you support policies that leave children hungry, without healthcare or a home? These people want to do one thing: to dominate women and take away their agency in the most extreme and effective way possible. We. Will. Not. Go. Back.