Discussion: RNC Chair Calls Lack Of Rape, Incest Exceptions On Abortion Bans 'Egregious'

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The entire ban is egregious, why try to pick on one part of it?


How about the Rich People Go Elsewhere exception? Do you have any problems with that one?


If every embryo is a gift from God, there should be NO exceptions.

And all the republicans running around panicking about this just make it clear that the argument was never about religion, it’s all about the subjugation of women.


Some gifts just come with a “payment due upon receipt” note.


“The next thing you know,” she added, “men will be forcing women give up their maiden names.”


All this is because you Republicans back Trump.
Try being American’s and back what is right.


For the religious but jobs, yes. For Republicans, it’s cynical politics.

They want the wedge issue. Keeping the exceptions out means it will get shut down in the courts at various levels, keeping the wedge front and center but not getting your the SC before 2020 allowing Republicans a way to get the base going.

They can’t be the dog who caught the car before 2020.


Smoke and mirrors. There are no good republicans, only varying degrees of accomplice.


Republicans are scared shitless one of these laws will be affirmed by SCOTUS, thus motivating women to flock to the polls and vote them out of office. Why I don’t know. Seems an unfounded fear.

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So how does it feel to see others infringe on your “personal belief”?


The cynical me looks at the calendar and sees late spring, 2020 as the perfect time to overturn Roe v. Wade, if it’s ever going to happen.

Would turn the 2018 flooding into a 2020 absolute tsunami, with massive down-ballot impacts as well.


They’re trying to get us to be happy with a “victory” that only partially pulls shit like this back…


“And that’s egregious, I mean, that’s — my heart goes out to that little girl,” McDaniel said, before raising a complaint that CNN never asks Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez about his stance on abortion. “Why are Democrats not asked the same tough question? We always get asked and have to qualify why we support life.”

You know Ronna dear when members of one party are trying to overturn a law that will only effect one gender then you’re going to be asked about it. And you’ll be asked about young pregnant girls having to carry their rapist’s babies to term. And then some more people will ask is there a way to bring a civil law suit against a national organization whose members caused pain and suffering to that little girl? And if that little girl’s ability to ever have another pregnancy because of your member’s support of potential life instead of the lives already here. And then you be asked about why fertilized eggs in IVF clinics are not considered life. And so on and so forth. Now if you want to change your party’s position than please proceed madam Chairwoman.


She is a dummy! Gee, I wonder why only Republicans are asked about anti-abortion laws when…wait for it…they are the ones pushing all the zero tolerance laws about no abortions in the USA for any reasons.



“Why are Democrats not asked the same tough question?"

Gee, that’s a tough one, Romney Spawn, especially after all of those “egregious” (Ronna learned a new word today!) laws that the Dems in California and New York and other Blue States passed to prevent a woman from obtaining an abortion that is her choice, whether she is the victim of rape or incest or not.

Oh, wait…


Self hatred personified

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I now wonder if this is going to happen, or if Rep. Bustos will show up?


Can we also have an exception for fetuses that might grow up to be Republicans?

Myers point out, among other things, that in vitro fertilized eggs are not included if this is really about life. The Alex Jones comparison to Kavanaugh is pretty spot on too.