Sitting here alone, with my two Min-pins, Mrs Von Holst having gone off to an Episcopal Church-Ladies’ meeting, I’ve had a chance to contemplate the mischievous and naughty ways of the universe. And I have adumbrated a future wherein we will almost certainly be regaled with a neverending litany of crazy shit.
He sent top secret information over unsecure Gmail… she did not. She received or sent on “c” material, meaning confidential not classified.
oooh, right. Totally taken advantage of by a conniving femme fatale. That would never happen to him if he were Secretary of State though, because Trump would totally cut his balls off.
About that definition of a swamp. Depends on who’s the alligator I guess.
Okay, you’ve done your job of getting me to giggle.
I have no idea whether or not Trump will actually nominate Petraeus for the job, but if he does, i can guarantee you that Rand Paul will not be leading the opposition.
I would like to show Trump one finger.
That could be seen as kind of redundant.
Nah, a wig would look better. (Same with the guy who was elected prez.)
“It was my understanding that there would be no math.”
Appointing someone as SOS is an urgent priority. A Fall Guy must be named pronto who can be held responsible for 15 years of ruinous War in Afghanistan and still being on the losing side at this late date!!
Drum roll please…Secretary of State… Ron Paul!
He was trying to show that he had normal sized hands.
(But all he succeeded in doing was showing that he had at least one normal sized hand).
- sigh*
Those were the days …
What’s most important is I want Donald Trump to pick someone who agrees with Donald Trump,” Paul said later in the CNN interview,
Careful with that wish Rand
This is just another example of the power of the lie. Rand Paul said that Clinton “revealed classified information.” Uh, no.
If Petraeus had a single ounce of decency or integrity he wouldn’t even entertain being asked to fill this post.
It’s rich that he says “they” spent a year and a half making a deal over classified stuff with Clinton, as if he share’s no common identity or responsibility with the Republican party, he’s a third party Republican just like his Daddy.
Stay tuned for Repubertarian Paul to repeal freedom infringing laws and cumpulsory taxes, while “they” (his Republican prenatal gestapo, prayer breakfast homies) blow up deficits and grease the industrial defense mega statist complex.
No felon left behind…