Discussion: Rand Paul Raises Concern About Petraeus As Potential Secretary Of State

Republican math

if A=B and B=C then Y and X are the same…


I’m sure Chaffetz would have no problem. He’s planning to investigate Hillary for the rest of her natural life. And maybe beyond.

He’s now part of the cottage industry that thrives on bashing Hillary. It’s a big money-maker, I hear.


Somebody’s trying to appear relevant again? Haven’t heard a chirp out of him in some time. It would be nice to keep it that way.


So, how long before they’re down to Louis Gohmert at the top of the short list?


The late, great Steve Allen:

“Without laughter, life on our planet would be intolerable. So important is laughter to us that humanity highly rewards members of one of the most unusual professions on earth: those who make a living by inducing laughter in others. This is very strange if you stop to think of it – that otherwise sane and responsible citizens should devote their professional energies to causing others to make sharp, explosive, barking-like exhalations.”


They never mention a “short” list around Rand. He’s a bit self-conscious about that.


And if X is the total of Hillary’s bad acts and Y is the total of Trump’s bad acts, then X is worse than Y for any value of Y, known or unknown.


Minor correction to a common mistake: “[C]” indicates confidential, not classified, material. It matters, because the “confidential” label is routinely used for lots of non-public material, including for example drafts of a press release before it goes out.

General Petraeus shared secret material, which is a far more serious matter. Not at all the same thing, which the Honorable Senator knows perfectly well.


You think that’s his hair?

Simple. One is female, you know you can’t trust them. One is a Republican, all is forgiven.


Since when has hypocrisy been a problem with the GOP, seriously, that is their trademark, that is what attracted the hypocritical sub-group that calls itself Christians or evangelicals too their ranks.


Lordy, lordy. Rand Paul as the moderate voice of reason. We ARE living in an alternate universe…


Dead Muskrat


Thanks for that. Molly Ivins could tell a story. Jim Hightower has that same kind of swagger.

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Uh huh. HRC deliberately used a private server. Petraus was tricked (by a female).


The old apple tree trick I bet.

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trump is learning that even idiots must acknowledge that at some point they will DO AS TOLD.
CLEARLY the nazi is being told that the likes of a giuliani…is a no go!.(not that being in the closet would make him liable to blackmail)…the point i believe is getting someone with no baggage…since it appears the bombing and war with Iran…is part of the quid pro quo…that was agreed to in order to pull off this fraudulent election…time will tell…remember this…such a war/attack will quickly escalate…bringing in…other players and dormant/unknown consequences plus obvious retaliations on American soil!..who better to “control” the people then the leader and his band of thugs assembled…during the MArshall law that would certainly follow such attacks?

have you been wondering why you cant shake that inner voice of coming doom?

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Proud to say that I participated in that “Moon The Klan” rally she wrote about. It was a blast. One of the Klukkkers ran to Austin police and demanded that we be arrested for “indecent exposure.” The Austin police just laughed at him and told him to “shut the fuck up.”


Straight from the tree of knowledge…

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From the article -
Paul: “‘They spent a year and a half beating up Hillary Clinton over revealing classified information and then they would appoint somebody who the FBI says not only revealed it but then lied about it in an interview and purposely gave it to someone who did not have the clearance to have that? I think that’s a potential problem.’
Blitzer reminded Paul that Petraeus had pled guilty to sharing classified information (with his biographer Paula Broadwell, with whom he was having an affair) in a deal that required two years probation and a $100,000 fine. Petraeus resigned from his position at the CIA in 2012.”

Again, the media (Blitzer in this instance) lets a false claim of equivalency go unanswered. By only pointing out that Petraeus pled guilty, etc., Blitzer leaves the impression that Hillary may have revealed classified information to someone without security clearance, and that she was just not charged.This has been the Republicans’ claim all along, and it is simply not true. Do your job “journalists.”