Wonder how often Randy gets his hair permed?
fun fact: Clinton didn’t reveal classified information.
But Petraeus did! To a woman he was having an affair with! Just like any asshole who has ever been seduced by an enemy spy! And he should have gone to prison for it!
Got to be a wig
FINGERS? In a further effort to distance himself from the pResident-elect, Sen. Rand Paul held up his hand. “Look,” he said.
Adulterous Pussy Grabbers stick together; that trumps everything else. (Gingrich, Giuliani, etc)
The amount of damage Trump & Co. can do the US/world over the next four years depends in part on Sen. Rand Paul. Ugh, ugh, ugh.
Wanted: “someone who agrees with Donald Trump.”
Persons with beliefs, integrity, consistency of mind, or freedom of thought need not apply.
You just know he fusses over it all the time.
Yeah, I was actually feeling some revisionism about Rand Paul till he said that. Boy, would Hunter S. Thompson in his prime have had a field day with this GOP.
I hate it when I have to agree with Rand Paul, but as usual at least it’s only partial agreement – he’s right that it’s totally hypocritical for Trump to even consider Petraeus for SOS, but wrong about Hillary’s e-mail snafu being anywhere near as serious as what Petraeus did. Clinton’s screw-up involved accidentally sharing a tiny handful of documents that were marked with a “C” (for “classified”) on a non-secure email system, while Petraeus intentionally stole classified documents, brought them home and hid them, in order to share them with his mistress/biographer. Not even close to equivalent.
The ‘showing of fingers’ is fast becoming a new political strategy.
But he looks so good in the summer, at the lake
He did it. She was accused of it, but didn’t do it. Totally fucking similar.
That is what makes Petreaus a front runner in Trump’s eyes. Petreaus will do anything for Trump/Putin/Women. He has no principles.
‘Hillary does it ‘lock her up’ Petraus does it CABINET POST’…Not really a good analogy. As the POS of an FBI director testified before congress, Petraus’ actions were intentional and criminal. Hillary’s were unwise politically with absolutely no crime being committed. If Trump names Petraus to SOS, I’ll be dying to see how republicans contort themselves into claiming Hillary’s email server was much worse than Petraus’ crime.
LOL! That is him!
Seriously, is this all going to get better before it gets worse or are we already there?
We need to point and laugh at them. Found this old Molly Ivins column in a bookmark file. Everyone should read it.
The Fun’s in the Fight
Even when you can’t kick the bad guys where it hurts, you can still have a real gas trying.
I have to protest this a bit… while I have Irish Wolfhounds and mastiffs these days my mom and granma raised poodles…
they’re a helluva lot smarter than Clown Boi has ever proven himself to be…
oh yeah… sometimes even a stopped clock is right… altho Clown Boi’s protest is pretty limp.
JFC! I hate this overweening need to create false equivalence over everything!
Clinton DID NOT REVEAL OR TRANSMIT ANY CLASSIFIED INFORMATION. It’s not, “Oh he did the same thing as Hillary.” He actually intentionally handed over classified information to someone who had no clearance - his fucking mistress! How can these situations even be comparable?