Discussion: Priebus Downplays Trump's Muslim Ban And Mass Deportation Vows

So now the backtracking begins.

True dat.
Trump will govern in whatever manner that benefits Trump personally/financially and the D.C. Elites will find it incredibly easy to manipulate him via his massive EGO.
No Mexican wall. (Nobody will pay for it as truth about immigration emerges)
No Muslim Ban (Corporations/Religions won’t let that happen)
No Big Tariffs (Chamber of Commerce won’t let that happen)
No Trade War (Chamber of Commerce won’t let that happen)
No Mass Deportations (Agribusiness won’t let that happen)
No confrontation with Iran (Big Oil/Big Banks won’t let that happen)
Yes, Massive Tax Cut for the Wealthy (that is after all why they “tolerated” him)
Yes, Massive Tax Cut for Corporations (that is why they “tolerated” him)
Yes, ACA “repealed/replaced” or at least, Re-Branded as “NOT Obama-care” with the Insurance Companies writing the replacement. Welcome back “Pre-Existing Conditions” and “Life-time Payout Caps”.
Yes, far, far, right-wing SCOTUS nominations (which will lead to Roe vs. Wade overturned, and gay marriages banned to “pay back” the Evangelicals)
Yes, enabling of the Neo-Nazi’s and White-Power Radicals in his continuing speeches.
So, all the Nihilists who voted for “CHANGE” will find out that is is just “Republican Business as Usual” and the fact that, once again, they were the “Useful Idiots” in the voting booth.
The ONLY thing they will get out of it is a push-back on Political Correctness in the media as they fall all over themselves to kiss Trump’s ass.
I predict that in six months the “Don’t blame me. I voted for Hillary” bumper stickers will be quite popular, and these same “Tea Party” types will be furious with Trump, and the “D.C. Elites” who will remain firmly in charge of the USA.

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By who? Seriously, can you imagine a Republican held House and Senate impeaching a Republican president–for any reason?


NOW…you just have to get the great unhinged to ‘believe’ it. Otherwise, they will be blaming Clinton AND Obama for garbage the GOPpers do. They haven’t heard a lie yet that they ‘disbelieve’.


Establishment will want Pence.


I will agree with you on some of this, but what rural white Trump supporters seemed to want and Donnie Boy promised is that he will change our government. I don’t think his supporters understand how governing works nationally. I don’t think they’ll mind paying for those at the head of the table, as long as those at the head of the table keep their version of Christianity at the forefront.

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A GOP-controlled House is never going to impeach a Republican president—no matter what he does.


He could grab Diane Feinstein’s pussy on the floor of the Senate and keep his job.

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They’ll turn on him.

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While we’re all digesting the bad news this aside:

In 2018 Republicans defend 8 Senate seats. Democrats defend 25. Can you say Republican super majority?


He’s invited them all to a “honeymoon” party at Jeff Epstein’s place.

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I agree with you. Literally he probably could do that and still keep his job.

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Don’t forget the “Make a choice and stick with it” Amendment to the Constitution.


I’d like to think so, but I just don’t see it happening. They believe they can get all that they’ve ever wanted from him, and they’re probably right.


Re Obamacare, I think when the repeal bill passes the House - as it will - Schumer should announce that while the Democrats will fight repeal with all they’ve got, they will not fillibuster it. That will put the Republicans on the spot and rob them of their argument that they couldn’t repeal it because of Democratic obstruction. The Republicans control the government. Now they must take ownership.

What if they have the goods on Trump? Give how carelessly he has lived his life, this is not out of the question.
He could be the bitch of Putin AND the Republicans.

Little Timmy didn’t like the way his chemo made him feel anyway.


Now the RNC AND trump are calling for unification? HA

Take today to mourn. Tomorrow, find your local Democratic office and volunteer. Then, turn Congress Blue in 2018. Take back the White House in 2020.

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No probably to it. There would be a Scotch and cigar party in the Senate gym that evening in celebration of the moment.