If you like what Bush did to Iraq, you’ll love Trump’s America.
Nope. Trump will try to end Social Security and Medicare too.
You’re dreaming; he seeks revenge only.
My biggest fear right now is war with Iran.
I’m surprised more people haven’t mentioned this.
He practically promised a shooting war during the campaign.
After our experience with W., can you really doubt me?
The oil fields are there for the taking, didn’t you know?
I’m betting Trump resigns in a grand gesture before the 2018 mid-term elections. When he realizes he’s in way over his head he’ll declare he’s done his duty as a great statesman and leave as the conquering hero that set the Country back on the path to greatness.
Let President Pence and Vice President Ryan do the menial detailed work.
HRC won the popular vote. The majority sided with a known quantity and sane governance, and don’t you forget that for a second. The white working class of OH, WI, PA, NC, and FL are the ones who picked Trump and while they won’t feel the worst of what President Trump has to offer, they will regret their choice.
Yikes, I see that Hassan has pulled ahead of Ayotte with 97% counted. Dare we hope?
Eh. Iran and Russia are allies of convenience. If anything, Russia would like Iran to stop butting in on its one solid relationship in the Middle East: Syria. Both Russia and Iran detest Sunni terrorism, sure, but what’s the bigger picture? If Putin can develop close ties with the US via Trump, he’ll happily throw Iran overboard.
@nemo It looks like Cooper squeaked past McCrory here, so the night wasn’t universally terrible. Just really, really awful.
When a person says they have doubts whether they love their country they’re not talking about the trees, mountains, harbors and rivers. They’re talking about their fellow citizens. Since last night I’ve eavesdropped on conversations among people celebrating Trump’s victory.
“Trump smoked her!”–emphasis on the “her”, partners in misogyny with Trump and many of his voters. I could go on. Mentions of law and order, leeches on society, wetbacks, illegals, freaks that don’t know what sex they are. I too question my current feelings about the U.S., again those questions actually being about the people I work with, see out in public, that serve me meals, take my ticket at the movies, prescribe my drugs, and all the other people I interact with. 60 million of them put Trump in office. A roughly equal 60 million didn’t. At the very minimum I can say I’m deeply disappointed, suspicious and fearful of half my country. And feeling only half American as measured by your willingness and ability to understand and coexist with half of your fellow humans is a sickening dilemma.
The people who are going to suffer the most from this are the ones who voted him in. Trump cannot possibly keep all of the ridiculous promises he made. We cannot, however, wish for him to fail as they did when Obama took office. His failure means our failure. Let’s hope to God almighty that he rises to the office and does some good for this country.
You can be ashamed of our country without losing the love for what made us great. Here is what I told my daughter this morning while she was in tears.
Those who can, like us, will fight.
Those who can’t, we will protect. We will not abandon them.
There are always steps back, but we will come back from this renewed, highly motivated, and prepared to take back our country in four years. The long arc of our country is forward, and despite a few backward steps, in the long run, we always win. Always.
I think there are some scenarios which might work out well…considering. If Ryan tries to gut entitlements - particularly Social Security - early on, he’ll face stiff resistance from GOP Senators who don’t want to upset the apple cart. Even repealing the ACA will give many sane Republicans in the House and Senate heartburn. It’s a sad day when we’re relying on Charlie Dent, et al. but that’s what we’ve got right now.
Speaking of tools… I have a distinct feeling that the surface of the Brexit and Trump results does not reflect the underlying reality.
Oh, no, I’ve felt this for decades. Reagan, the Bushes, Nixon all espoused policies and signed laws I felt were antithetical to American ideals. The people that were comfortable with them as their leaders always bothered me. I guess on some level none of us will ever feel the people of the nation fully represent the ideals we individually admire and hope to see enshrined in policy and law. You have to compromise after all. But when the half I’m leery of votes in someone like Trump the angst reaches a new level. Reagan and the Bushes were not Trump. Supporting Trump has me questioning a person’s sanity to the degree I question Trump’s sanity itself. Who in the hell brags about committing sexual assault and gets elected President? Who votes for a person that brags about casually walking up to a woman and grabbing her genitals?
I think this might be an example of what you are talking about. One of our local news stations posted the Trump document of what he wants to do in his first 100 days. A commenter posted “How is he going to pay for all of this?” and the next person’s reply “People always got to complain about something.” So I’m a little topsy turvy right now.
I was thinking that too. ‘They’ are saying that the race turned on ACA premiums going up as well as the Comey letter. The only ones who premiums went up were those that were on the ACA. So now that they don’t have insurance at all are they STILL going to blame Obama and the Dems? We essentially have one party rule. Is it STILL the Dems fault when this country turn Right Wing authoritarian? People are pinning their hopes on the belief that Trump ‘might’ not be as bad as they thought…PENCE is still his Vice President and a total ideologue. Do people ‘think’ he’s being groomed to take over after Trump? Many questions and no good answers. MOST of all I really want to know what country these people thought they voted for.
You know, “father knows best” in just about every culture on the planet.
At some point, the Democrats are again going to have to clean up a Republican-created mess, of whatever type(s). I hope I live long enough to see it happen again.
He will be impeached. His scam university suit and the underage rape suit are coming up. In any event, republicans control all. If they break it, they own it.
If you’re younger than 30 you have a shot at it. Otherwise the rest of us are stuck with SCOTUS Justices being rotated onto the court that will still be seated when we’re buried.