Discussion: Priebus Downplays Trump's Muslim Ban And Mass Deportation Vows

Now comes the massive walk back. No wall . No repeal of the ACA, no deporting 11 millin. It was all bull shit.


There are times, Priebus, that no amount of spinning will help. You’re comments must sound hollow even to your ears.


If he doesn’t do it, the people that elected him with rise up against him.

He’ll “govern” exactly as he campaigned.


I pray that every interview and press conference with Priebus, Gingrich, Christie and the rest of them begins with a quote about them from Trump’s campaign, with a request for response and comment.


Who is dumb enough to listen to Reince? He speaks for no one in particular and certainly not for Trump.


It’s like they don’t want to back the awful stuff he promised.

No, dude, you are the Nazi, you don’t get to pretend differently.


But they’ll sell of federal lands to appease the Bundys and turn hard assets into cash.


OuR loNg NationaL night,mare is FinaLLy oveR. The BlacK Muslim Kenyan fraught with Usurpery haS beeN voteD out oF office. Republicans caN dismantle LibTard socialistic utopiary. TrumP wiLL make the White House (hello, White House not black house) claSSy again with gold plated fixtureS anD giant slabS of marble.


Yes, I’m sure if we surround him with All the Right People, we can keep him under control. Right up until the mysterious fire guts the Capitol long about February.


Wait. He promised a wall, mass deportations, Muslim ban, scrapping of NAFTA, rejection of TPP, and most importantly “all of your dreams will come true.” He promised. He needs to be held to these promises.


Pfft…like you’re in charge of Trump.


Trump is, always was, and always will be a con man. His campaign was a con. He will continue to con those in the country who will go along. The people around him will direct which way his policies go, and he will do the selling. If the policies and results play well and there are cheers, he will take credit. If not, he will deflect the blame. But, he will always be a showman - not a statesman.


And it won’t be public auctions…

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Who are you talking to?

Did he run this statement past Ann Coulter before speaking to the press?


Yeah, sure, screw you.


Don’t know where to post this, but I thought, for what it is worth, I would share a couple of thoughts. I have been saddened and depressed after elections, but never frightened like I am now. I am downright scared for this country. I think that there is no coming back from this path we set ourselves on last night. The country as I knew it is done. I am frightened for my little seven year old niece who was crying in her bed last night fearful that Trump might win. I am frightened for my six -year -old daughter who will not be allowed to control her own body or have access to affordable health care. I am fearful that Medicare will cease to exist for my wife and me.

And I am afraid that I do not love this country anymore. And that deeply saddens me.


Right, this is going to be a long, not on-topic post.

First of all, it’s obviously too early for a postmortem–particularly when it involves accepting the brutal truth that Hillary was a poor choice. But maybe it’s not too early to look ahead and start thinking about how Dems can influence matters so as to promote a non-disastrous Trump presidency and even claw back some power. Obama’s courteous words to Trump set me thinking on this score, because I think he’s got Trump’s number.

Looking at Trump’s demeanor during his acceptance speech last night, it seemed obvious yet again that Trump’s main drive is to be liked and respected and kowtowed to, and that he goes crazy if confronted and abused. The same can be said about his racist dickhead followers. It was also obvious that he is going to have a very difficult time fulfilling his big economic promises to double growth, make millions of jobs, bring back mines, etc, particularly as these would involve persuading fiscal conservatives to spend billions on infrastructure.

Bearing in mind that the objective is to somehow get rust belt voters to turn on Trump and that in any case very little can be done for another 2 years, the following seems to be one way to go forward for Dem politicians:

  1. keep out of Trump’s way on the economy and trade so that he has no one to blame but himself when he doesn’t keep his economic promises and can be stuck with the label ‘Trump’s economy.’
  2. Flatter him harmlessly whenever possible at private meetings. He will love that.
  3. Pick your public battles on human rights, reproductive rights, healthcare, and military adventures. These are central to the American freedom, and where public opinion across the board can be mobilized.
  4. Start a low-key but totally focused effort to hit hard at the midterm. Use Citizens United against Trump by getting some billionaire-funded PAC totally on board.
  5. Make pro-gun statements in order to nullify the satanic narratives. Nothing is gained by raising the hackles on this point, as Hillary’s fate shows. Dems can always pivot if in power.
  6. Hold ostentatious prayer meetings now and then. Go to churches across Wisconsin, Michigan in a so-called attempt to achieve national unity.
  7. Groom a charismatic macho white male for the leadership who will appeal to millenials. Sorry but the racists/misogynists take it as a personal insult if you give them anything else. Progressive unity is an absolute must going forward.
  8. Take seriously the problem of white disaffection, which is at least as cultural as it is economic IMO: see guns, religion, above.
  9. Wait for the economy–the Trump economy–to implode and the GOPers to tear each other apart over ideology. I give it 2-3 years at the longest. And this time he’ll be stuck with it.

The alternative–full on demonstrations, confrontations etc, which I was feverishly contemplating late, late last night–will simply give Trump a visible enemy. Of course, if he starts doing crazy things, which he probably will, then all bets are off. And you still get to battle him on your ground. But leave the economy to him, and try to befriend the idiot. He’s very predictable and quite malleable if flattered, as Putin has no doubt figured out.


I’m morbidly curious about the reaction. If he walks back every evil thing he said will they turn on him? Or is the cult of personality too great?

Of course there’s always the possibility that he follows through in everything and still screws over the idiots that voted for him. My cousin (a Trump Supporter) is on Obamacare, she’s bitchin about having to pay $98 a month for Healthcare. What happens when it’s repealed and she goes back to having no coverage. Same family is happy about the Wall. What happens when he goes to build it and increases their middle-class taxes?