Discussion: Priebus Downplays Trump's Muslim Ban And Mass Deportation Vows

Yep, it is all about winning, and they won. So, now they tack to the center…or they lose. Their alt-right supports will not be happy, but that is neither here to there from those who now have to govern with a razor thin victory. And, they saw how Nevada went “blue,” and Arizona and Texas made progress in that direction. Look at it this way: at least Ted Cruz did now win, and he will not be running in 2020, now.

Don’t count on it.

Trump will be a one-termer, and Cruz has the fatal presidential urge.

As if I wasn’t depressed enough

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The center? Their idea of the center would be to allow a rape exception for abortion if the victim was a nun and was a virgin after the rape.
You have no conception of the crazy that will be proposed in the House now.

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Well, let me be very specific. I think one of the great failures of the Democratic party is a failure of political nerve. So, I think we need to screw up our courage and call their bluff. I’m pretty much convinced that once we do so, the Senate will never vote for repeal. And if I am wrong and the Republicans do so, a lot of people who voted for Trump will lose their health insurance.

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He won’t change anything. He will just take advantage of it all and revel in the power and money it brings him.
I fully expect him to dump Melania in a year (trade her in for a “Newer” model) and possibly even resign after he gets bored with all the work it is to be President.

Yes they will. They’re sure as hell not worried as a caucus about such a stand wrecking their majority in the mid-terms. You know, since they’re only defending 8 seats and Dems are defending 25. And leadership will promise to plow tons of money into any individual Senator’s 2018 race that appears to be imperiled for rolling back the ACA, or any other vote taken.

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I hope it’s OK to post this here, since we’re just waiting.

I find myself in an odd place right now. I’ve been on a roller coaster of emotions all night. However, what’s going on right now is a dyamtrically opposed set of emotions. When I talk to my friends/co-workers, it calms me down, mostly because I’m hearing variations of it’s not that bad, the country will survive, we can work to fix this in 2018 or 2020.

Then I come here and its a reminder of just how dark it can (will?) Get. Supreme Court placements making it almost full right wing. Mid Term elections with way more at stake for the Dems. The ever present threat of increased ISIS attacks. More Voter Suppression in Republican controlled states making it more difficult to GOTV.

I’m exhausted (physically and emotionally) and I don’t know what to think anymore. I could be heading into denial that it won’t be “that bad” or maybe they’re right and there’s time to save a sinking ship.

I remembered how good it felt in 2008 when Obama was President elect and the same in 2012. I was sure this country had turned a corner and would not go back, did not work out that way but i am trying to tell myself that this too is not what it feels now - going to sit with my Buddhist friends tonight and then have a beer then get back to work to take the Congress back in 2 years (if we still have elections).

Ryan and McConnell got everything they wanted yesterday. They hold the levers of legislative power. Trump the Buffoon has hold of the nuclear codes and the impression he is the dictator in charge of all. He is about to learn the true depths of frustration and what it is like to concede to another human
Trump at this point should be reminded that the land borders of our country exceed 7000 miles if he’s really gonna build that stupid fucking wall.

I am depressed that my countrymen/women got suckered.
29% of Hispanics voted for trump
women voted for him as did black folks
and of course the white racist misogynistic fuckwads as well who now will feel emboldened.

As I said I am depressed.

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Well, I have all my senses, full use of my limbs and an inquisitive mind that revels in a good book. I’m hitting the gym as usual after work, taking the significant other to a small meal and an NBA game, then home to read awhile and some lights dimmed pleasures. And I’m not dying of cancer. All in all not a bad life. I don’t think I want Trump having the pleasure of knowing he’s collectively depressed a few million people. Here’s one he hasn’t. FU Donnie.*

*Of course it sure helps I’m not black, an immigrant, a Hispanic, Muslim, gay, military age eligible, live by a shoreline, a woman of child bearing years, have children at home, have outstanding student loans, need public transit or am confused about my sexuality. Then I might be depressed. All those people are getting sent to camps or a war.

Don’t let him walk ANY of it back. Don’t let anyone forget what he promised he would do - keep his ‘promises’ front and center.

His supporters will not in the main exact a penalty for failing to keep promises. Their chief goals of chasing the bad black man away and keeping the old woman in her place are achieved. Anything beyond those two features are icing on the cake. They won, Dems lost. The afterglow in the electorate from that alone will see Trump through everything.

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Do not forget Giuliani’s FBI brown shirts. They will do his bidding whatever it is!!!

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Your Cruz comment is the only pinpoint of light I can see at the moment. Thanks for that.

Agreed. As long as there’s someone they’re allowd to kick in the teeth, they’re good.

[quote=“steviedee111, post:62, topic:46775, full:true”]
While we’re all digesting the bad news this aside:

In 2018 Republicans defend 8 Senate seats. Democrats defend 25. Can you say Republican super majority?
[/quote]Thanks for those encouraging thoughts. As if the future doesn’t seem bleak enough.

However bleak you fear it will be, rest assured it’s 10 times more bleak than that.


As insane as people were to vote for change under the current economic circumstances, or to think DT will keep any given promise, I stipulate that nothing is more insane than for anyone to think they actually speak for DT.

Yay. Liked.

ETA :frowning: