Discussion: Pence Promises 'Evidence' By End Of Day To Debunk Allegations Against Trump

This is like the battle of wits in the Princess Bride, with sex scandal instead of iocaine powder.

Anything is plausible this year.

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Pence is more dangerous than Trump is! He’s a full-blown American religious terrorist!

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Carlos Slim gave To Clinton foundation and owns some of New York Times. Proof he didn’t put his tiny pussy grabbing hands all over ladies pussies.


They are redefining evangelical christian to be evangelical hypocrite and cretin

Pence reassures reporter, “Evidence is in the mail.”

“Before the day is out there will be more evidence publicly that shows and calls into question these latest allegations,” Pence said on CBS’ “This Morning.”

… I’d date my daughter
… I can’t wait until 10 yo is 20 then I’ll date her
… can’t be true look at her, would you kiss that
… … etc… etc… etc


That Trump has to spend time on finding evidence to rebut these allegations tells you a lot. They’ve wasted yet another week on the campaign trail dealing with Trump’s trash and people have already formed their opinion. More trashing of victims of his sexual assaults will only make things worse for him as his soft supporters cower in embarrassment.


“Evidence” - conspiracy theories involving Mexican billionaire, Clinton Foundation, suggestions of pay-offs and ulterior motives, yada yada yada, and rants with more racism, bigotry, misogyny, and lies.

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Pence: “I was with Donald Trump that day. Yes, all day”

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lalalalalalalalalalalalal i don’t hear you lalalalalalalalalalalalalala

How can ‘non-groping’ be proved?

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Oh mikey , you are such a teaser . ( just foreplay ) .

@dommyluc–The discovery phase of any lawsuit would be YUGE! I would love to witness Trump’s deposition under oath. Fun times!

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Didn’t he say the same thing about The Donald’s tax returns?

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But, see, you’re expecting logical consistency. In Trump/TeaTroll world, things are true or untrue depending upon how much (absent facts) True Believers believe or disbelieve them.

Or to paraphrase Samuel L. Jackson (who I secretly hoped Hillary would choose as her VP candidate), “Motherfucking SKIRTS ON A PLANE, motherfucker!!!”

“by end of day”
What Mike REALLY meant was the end of the day June 25th, 2019.

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Wow. A total bloodbath. She should have just rolled the tape and said, “THAT is what Mrs. Obama was talking about.”

What a sniveling coward. The good news is that nobody with half a brain is fooled by these evasions.

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Obviously grainy security camera footage of someone who kinda resembles her wearing pants. Considering these idiots the sad thing is I’m only half joking.

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