Charlie, now sleeping with CBS power, was a monster with the ladies, cough, interns, cough, when he was younger…
Pence is a vile man. Why would he believe women? He has made it clear that he doesn’t think we are anything but incubators throughout his career.
#Hold your nose! Here comes the “evidence”!
substantial evidence to dispute these lies
Just as soon as Alex Jones comes up with something.
He’s good at filibustering. I’ll give him that.
The Bene Tleilax governor of Indiana…
STERN: Donald, seriously, you know about sexual predators and things like that …
Such a mirth filled moment of Father & Daughter bonding, huh?
Pence is an enabler!
Indeed. (I had to look that up )
Interesting that he condemns Russia with no hesitation.
Actually, I’d guess they’ll just post pictures of each woman along with Donald Trump’s “ranking” of the woman in question’s hotness, from 1 (f*gly) to 10 (Future Mrs. Trump Candidate). And they’ll all be ranked as 1.
They just can’t help it. Especially Donald “Mr. Beauty Pageant Owner” Trump.
In Trump Land, this is constitutes irrefutable evidence. Because #theyrefuckingidiots.
Poor reporting: why not show Kellyanne’s tweet, and Trump’s statements that victims need to be heard.
Right, all those amazing things they were uncovering in Hawaii.
Pence continually ties himself in knots. The so-called evidence is going to be “fantasy” evidence, i.e. in Trump’s mind.
You know, this is why that guy is Trump’s running mate. And the fact that quite a few people fell for the guy and felt comfortable about the idea of a Pence presidency only because of his smooth style at the debate sends shivers down my spine.
probably just another hotel commercial.
Hummm, KAC might describe Pence as “pussyfooting.”
They don’t understand that in the last few weeks of a campaign the weekend is still part of the news cycle. People can debunk a friday-afternoon story just fine. (And reporters won’t hold everything waiting for that late-breaking data dump to happen.)
Pence also doesn’t understand that “I already addressed that” isn’t fooling anyone. You can’t just declare that part of the story over and move on. “Yeah, I shot the victim, I already addressed that, let’s move on and forget it ever happened.”
Wonder if Billy Bush will have a show on the future Trump Network?
Pence is confusing. The allegations against Trump span several decades, involve several women unrelated to each other by circumstance, family, occupation or locale. The women are of different ages and backgrounds, and many reported their experiences contemporaneously to friends, relatives and co-workers. I fail to see how there could be one unified piece of evidence that refuted all their claims. Each would need refuted individually, for if each is a lie the falsehood would have unique disqualifying facts. WTF is either Pence or Trump talking about?