Discussion: Pence Promises 'Evidence' By End Of Day To Debunk Allegations Against Trump

And BTW, Pence, how are you and Trump going to deny the existence of the “pussy grabbing” video that started all of this in the first place? By saying it was CGI constructed by Industrial Light and Magic because George Lucas and Disney support Hillary? Hey, after they already created a hated character like Jar Jar Binks, I’d doubt if they’d waste their time with a hateful character like Trump the Hutt (or Billy Bush Fett, for that matter).


I’m expecting this event to present evidence to be another infomercial for one of Donald’s properties.


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That’s what they do best Shovel Shit

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The Trump and Pence women are so different physically (Elves vs. Dwarves) Donald might not yet have realized who Pence’s companions are…

If the Trumpite pattern holds, the evidence will not deal with the accusation, but with the motives of the accusers. Maybe the time for the predicted Carlos Slim attacks, perhaps something lesser – the ‘I attacked them first, so of course they would lie about me’ approach (or something like the wall explaining Curiel’s presumed bias), maybe. The media unfortunately remains too often incapable of distinguishing between motivation for why someone would speak up, from whether what was stated is or is not true. Apparently the only bad things that should be believed are recounted by people who love the perpetrator (except then they are traitors, so cannot be believed, either). Bottom line, there is no negative truth about Trump, because.


Right after he releases his tax returns and the results of the investigation of Obama’s forged birth certificate.


does Mr Pence realize that denial isn’t the same as disproving allegations?

just because Cheeto Donnie is in personal denial, as is Mr Pence apparently, doesn’t mean the allegations have been dis-proven…


Limbaugh doesn’t seem to understand consent is at the heart of human interactions.

Pence doesn’t understand predatory behavior.

Did all Republicans miss sex Ed in high school, then cover their ears whenever the subject came up henceforth?


No, several were having sex with Ed…


Mr. Pence was a law school graduate. Considering his very loose use of the term ‘evidence’ I suspect he was not Order of the Coif :). Probably graduated bottom 1/3.

After the Cleveland Steams he is tossing into crowds, the best he can hope for is a beat-up desk in a 9x12 office in a strip mall lawyers office in Bloomington, IN. His practice will be limited to defending misdemeanors.


This is more like the shit he shovels:


Pence Promises ‘Evidence’ By End Of Day To Debunk Allegations Against Trump

Oh yeah? (taps foot, hands on hips…frown)

Evidence huh? So you and Donnie (the Great Bambino of this era) are gonna go all legal and scientific??


With a framed picture of President Hillary Clinton on the wall…


He has a long record [Trump] of loving his family?
BEEP! Wrong message.

Yup, that’s exactly what they’ll do. Get together a binder full of women giving testimonials to the magnanimity of Trump. Wonder how much money the Trump foundation will spend on this?



And it will be just as illuminating and truthful as all the information about Turnip’s taxes we’ve received from their campaign.


The classics never get old, do they?


I’m sure the same investigators Trump sent to Hawaii who turned up all kinds of astounding information about Obama’s birth certificate are also poised to reveal incredible proof of Trump’s innocence as we speak. Wait for it…wait for it…

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It’s not that Charlie is too polite, it’s that he’s made a career of never, ever challenging power, even if it’s only perceived power.


Who’d they pay to fabricate an alibi that they were with him somewhere else?

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