Discussion: Pence Calls North Korea's Failed Missile Launch A 'Provocation'

His inner child was unleashed at that moment and he hasn’t been able to reel it ever since. Grievances, slights, rehashed over and over and the majority of voters understand what he’s doing. His base never will.


Oh yes. A parade. And in the tradition of Kim and Trump it would be the most spontaneous and unpaid demonstration ever.


I read that. It’s trivial, but also quite creepy.
If he could require votes to be open, he would—just so he could get revenge on 65 million Hillary voters.


They’ve thought of it. They’re retouching the crowd photos right now.


“Our commitment to this historic alliance with the courageous people of South Korea has never been stronger,” Pence said.

Frank Burns: “They all hate me, don’t they?”

Radar: “Just your guts, sir.”


I wish he were more upset that Knox was detained in Italy for four years, and for the many trials she had to endure and the final verdict was guilty. They regard her a a fugitive from justice. Vaffanculo Italia.


Okay, but make them gold colored toilets.


Nope. Fucked up things happen everywhere, even here.

Italy’s system is the opposite of ours, which doesn’t really work either. A perp is guilty until proven innocent. And the tabs loved the story of “Foxy Knoxy”, all that sex and foreignness and stuff.

It’s days like this I really, really miss “Doghouse Riley.” He had Pence nailed as a fundamentally (fundamentalist?) stupid man. He is Trump’s insurance policy against impeachment, much like Dan Quayle served that purpose for George H.W. Bush.

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Too bad Flynn is gone. He would have put North Korea on notice.


Philip Marlowe?

This isn’t the first launch nor the first precipitated by a Republican President’s dick wagging.

What is unique here, is that we have a President that is fully vested and beholden to our sworn enemy and is actively searching for anything that can be used to start a war, the WMD thing was taken by little bush, in a thinly veiled and desperate attempt to distract and save his massive criminal ass from the impending indictments, impeachment and incarceration.

Methinks that VP Pence is in nuts deep as well and Trounce falling won’t be his glory day but will be the beginning of his harsh reality of strict scrutiny and investigation.

Pence wants Hellfire, Fire and Brimstone he’s just geographically challenged as to the attack point.

Jesus says, “Los conejos hacen muchos bebés.”

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Yep. Racism is the rot at the heart of the country.

Happy Easter everybody.



The egg roll is one of those useless but sweet things the White House used to do that now that they don’t I miss,

It was so normal.


I hear the Director of Internal Security and First Lady (Washington DC) Ivank Trump wants Mike Pence to be fired or minimally sidelined.

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Where did you hear that if I might inquire? Firing the Veep is a pretty big deal.

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