Discussion: Pence Calls North Korea's Failed Missile Launch A 'Provocation'

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Iā€™m pretty sure the military is not the least bit eager to play in the North Korean sandbox. Trump would have to issue some specific orders, not just give them authorization.


Pence Calls North Koreaā€™s Failed Missile Launch A ā€˜Provocationā€™

Of course itā€™s a provocation, Indiana idiot. Now whatā€™s your policy? Oh, thatā€™s right, there is none, coz your boss is a know-nothing, the GOP only cares about tax cuts, and the SoS is an unqualified ex oilman who doesnā€™t like people looking at him and took the job coz his wife made him.


This entire maladiministation is a provocation, dummy. It takes one unfit, incompetent lunatic to recognize another.

ā€œIā€™m pretty sure the military is not the least bit eager to play in the North Korean sandbox.ā€

I donā€™t believe that at all. Not one bit. It is a fantasy to think the military, excuse me, his military will be a civilizing force against this domestic barbarism, any more than ICE agents will stop lurking around courthouses waiting to pounce on domestic violence victims to parade them to a detention center for deportation.

While is it not unheard of, an item came out the other day that (alleged) St. Mattis already talked about a strike on NK with his English counterparts. Heā€™s as hot in the ass to start shooting as much as anyone else is.

Letā€™s face it folks, there are only two things saving everyone: the courts and protestors. The military has great contempt for both, especially the latter and this disgusting, filthy joke of an administration has already shown itself to be most venal and corrupt one ever in this nationā€™s history.


Now, now ā€¦ of course thereā€™s a policy. They are going to be resolved, and I mean really resolved. Why, they may even take a picture of Trump or Pence sitting at their desks looking grim. Thatā€™s all you need, right?

And if that fails, Trump can always tweet.


Thatā€™s it, Distractor-in-chief-in-training. Throw a petulant-two-year-oldā€™s tantrum, because you think it will distract everybody from the Russian Bear in the room for one more day. Give the Chinese another excuse to remind everybody of who the Adult is.
Words fail.


Perhaps if Kim invites that man to NK and promises him a ride in a gilded carriage and millions of cheering people along the parade routeā€¦


At least the NKā€™s can say: Oh well, back to the drawing board. U.S., no such luck.


As the Chinese have demonstrated to everyone that the UUIS can be easily bought off, it would work, too. Parade a couple name-branded toilets, Kimmy. That should do the trick.


If belligerent brinksmanship were ever the right thing for us to do anywhere, it would still be wrong here, because the people who study this stuff for a living say the NoKos arenā€™t bluffing. If we push them hard enough theyā€™ll shoot a nuke at Seoul, and even if we ā€œtake outā€ all their nuclear capability, a thing you rarely want to bet the farm on, they still have masses of artillery that would be nearly as lethal. Weā€™d condemn millions of South Koreans to death so one damaged man could demonstrate his idiot resolve. This is all borrowed knowledge from quick reading but the wise heads say our best option is to go after their finances and starve their military of money, with the hope of bring them back to negotiations. And weā€™d have to leave them the nukes they have, in the hope of their agreeing not to seek more. Itā€™s the only thing keeping the regime safe and they know it. All I can say is God help the South Koreans and all of us. Oh and hey, have a nice Easter, folks. 


At least you didnā€™t ask us how the play was. :wink:


Ted Lieu and his badass band of Russians. Resist.


I guess our ambassador to Japan, South Korea and China can helpā€¦ once they are appointed, after the fallout drops off in intensity.


I love the signs!


[quote=ā€œcentralasiaexpat, post:13, topic:54420, full:trueā€]
I guess our ambassador to Japan, South Korea and China can helpā€¦ once they are appointed, after the fallout drops off in intensity.
[/quote]Yeah so what like 42,000 years or so? Not bad.

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ISIS will be a distant memory, so victory!

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Rely on China? Looks like Traitor Trump was snookered by Xi and dummy Pence continues to paint Trump into a corner. Amateurs all-- Mattis, McMasters, Tillerson.

And hereā€™s the thing. Most of the shift in approval for Syria strikes has come from changing attitudes of GOP voters. Nevertheless, most folks thought that the uppity Black dude knew what he was doing. I know I work this ticket a lot folks, but racism is why we canā€™t have nice things and a competent democracy.


Your point is well taken generally but Terry Branstad had been appointed ambassador to China early on, the last I heard, but he hasnā€™t been confirmed yet. China hands were mildly reassured, from what I heard, because he knows the country and is personal friends with Xi. But of course yep, State is crippled, the IC that ought to be helpful, well, we know the current occupantā€™s attitude toward actually learning anything about the world and its dangers. Sigh.

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I know, dead. Theyā€™re also in costume, if you look closely, but itā€™s so well done it looks real. There used to be a group called Billionaires for Bush, I look back now at the innocence, oh my. Theyā€™d show up and really make a show of a protest.

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They were amazing back in the day.